Ohio constitution
Section 27

If the votes for the proposal shall exceed those against it, the amendment shall go into effect January 1, 1931, and original sections 2 and 3 of article XII of the constitution of the state of Ohio shall be repealed and annulled; but all levies for interest and sinking fund or retirement of bonds issued, or authorized prior to said date which are not subject to the statutory limitation of fifteen mills on the aggregate rate of taxation then in force, and all tax levies provided for by the conservancy act of Ohio and the sanitary district act of Ohio, as said laws are in force on said date, for the purposes of conservancy districts and sanitary districts organized prior to said date, and all tax levies for other purposes authorized by the General assembly prior to said date or by vote of the electors of any political subdivision of the state, pursuant to laws in force on said date, to be made outside said statutory limitation for and during a period of years extending beyond said date, or provided for by the charter of a municipal corporation pursuant to laws in force on said date, shall not be subject to the limitation of fifteen mills established by said amendment; and levies for interest and sinking fund or retirement of bonds issued or authorized prior to said date, shall be outside of said limitation of the extent required to equalize any reduction in the amount of taxable property available for such levies, or in the rate by laws thereafter passed.