Ohio constitution
Section 19

Done in convention, at Cincinnati, the tenth day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, and of the independence of the United States, the seventy-fifth. WILLIAM MEDILL, President. Attest: Wm. H. Gill, Secretary. S. J. Andrews, G. Volney Dorsey, Edward Archbold, Thos. W. Ewart, William Barbee,John Ewing, Joseph Barnett,Joseph M. Farr, David Barnet, Elias Florence, Wm. S. Bates, Robert Forbes, A. I. Bennett, H. C. Gray, John H. Blair, H. N. Gillett, Jacob Blickensderfer, John Graham, Van Brown, John L. Green, A. G. Brown, Jacob J. Greene, R. W. Cahill, Henry H. Gregg, F. Case, W. S. Groesbeck, L. Case, C. S. Hamilton, David Chambers, D. D. T. Hard, John Chany, A. Harlan, H. D. Clark, William Hawkins, George Collings, James P. Henderson, Friend Cook, Peter Hitchcock, Otway Curry, G. W. Holmes, Geo. B. Holt, R. P. Ranney, John J. Hootman, Chas. Reemelin, V. B. Horton, Adam N. Riddle, Samuel Humphreville,Edward C. Roll, John E. Hunt,Wm. Sawyer, B. B. Hunter,Sabirt Scott, Reuben Hitchcock,John Sellers, John Johnson, B. P. Smith, J. Dan Jones,George J. Smith, James B. King, John A. Smith, S. J. Kirkwood,Henry Stanbery, Thos. J. Larsh, B. Stanton, William Lawrence, Albert V. Stebbins, John Larwill, E. T. Stickney, Robert Leech, Richd. Stillwell, D. P. Leadbetter, Harman Stilger, John Lidey, James Struble, James Loudon, J. R. Swan, J. McCormick, L. Swift, H. S. Manon, James W. Taylor, Samson Mason, Norton S. Townshend, Matthew H. Mitchell,Hugh Thompson, Isaiah Morris, Joseph Thompson, Charles McCloud, Joseph Vance, Simeon Nash, Elijah Vance, S. F. Norris, Wm. M. Warren, Chas. J. Orton, Thomas A. Way, W. S. C. Otis, J. Milton Williams, Thomas Patterson, Elzey Wilson, Danl. Peck, Jas. T. Worthington, Jacob Perkins, E. B. Woodbury. Saml. Quigley,