Ohio constitution
Article VI: education
Section 6

(B) The tuition credits program and the Ohio tuition
trust fund previously created by law, which terms include
any successor to that program or fund, shall be
continued subject to the same laws, except as may hereafter
be amended. To secure the guarantees required
by division (A) of this section, the general assembly
shall appropriate money sufficient to offset any deficiency
that occurs in the Ohio tuition trust fund, at any
time necessary to make payment of the full amount of
any tuition payment or refund that would have been
required by a tuition payment contract, except for the
contract’s limit of payment to money available in the
trust fund. Notwithstanding section 29 of Article II of
this Constitution, or the limitation of a tuition payment
contract executed before the effective date of this section,
such appropriations may be made by a majority
of the members elected to each house of the general
assembly, and the full amount of any such enhanced
tuition payment or refund may be disbursed to and accepted
by the beneficiary or purchaser. To these ends
there is hereby pledged the full faith and credit and
taxing power of the state.
All assets that are maintained in the Ohio tuition trust
fund shall be used solely for the purposes of that fund.
However, if the program is terminated or the fund is
liquidated, the remaining assets after the obligations
of the fund have been satisfied in accordance with law
shall be transferred to the general revenue fund of the
Laws shall be passed, which may precede and be
made contingent upon the adoption of this amendment
by the electors, to provide that future conduct
of the tuition credits program shall be consistent with
this amendment. Nothing in this amendment shall be
construed to prohibit or restrict any amendments to
the laws governing the tuition credits program or the
Ohio tuition trust fund that are not inconsistent with
this amendment.