North Carolina General Statutes
Chapter 34 - Veterans' Guardianship Act
§ 34-2.1 - Guardian's powers as to property; validation of prior acts.

34-2.1. Guardian's powers as to property; validation of prior acts.
Any guardian appointed under the provisions of this Chapter may be guardian of all property, real or personal, belonging to the ward to the same extent as a guardian appointed under the provisions of Chapter 35A of the General Statutes, and the provisions of such Chapter concerning the custody, management and disposal of property shall apply in any case not provided for by this Chapter. All acts heretofore performed by guardians appointed under the provisions of this Chapter with respect to the custody, management and disposal of property of wards are hereby validated where no provision for such acts was provided for by this Chapter, if such acts were performed under and in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 35A of the General Statutes. (1955, c. 1272, s. 1; 1987, c. 550, s. 18.)