28A-17-8. Under power in will, sales public or private.
Sales of real property made pursuant to authority given by will may be either public or private, unless the will otherwise directs, and may be on such terms as in the opinion of the personal representative are most advantageous to those interested in the decedent's estate. (1868-9, c. 113, s. 75; Code, s. 1503; Rev., s. 84; C.S., s. 89; 1973, c. 1329, s. 3.)
Structure North Carolina General Statutes
North Carolina General Statutes
Chapter 28A - Administration of Decedents' Estates
Article 17 - Sales, Leases or Mortgages of Real Property.
§ 28A-17-1 - Sales of real property.
§ 28A-17-2 - Contents of petition for sale.
§ 28A-17-3 - Petition for partition.
§ 28A-17-4 - Heirs and devisees necessary parties.
§ 28A-17-5 - Property subject to sale; conveyance by deceased in fraud of creditors.
§ 28A-17-6 - Adverse claimant to be heard; procedure.
§ 28A-17-7 - Order granted if petition not denied; public or private sale; procedure for sale.
§ 28A-17-8 - Under power in will, sales public or private.
§ 28A-17-9 - Death of vendor under contract; representative to convey.
§ 28A-17-10 - Title in personal representative for estate; he or successor to convey.
§ 28A-17-11 - Personal representative may lease or mortgage.
§ 28A-17-12 - Sale, lease or mortgage of real property by heirs or devisees.