156-10. Right to drain into canal.
Any person desirous of draining into the canal or ditch of another person as an outlet may do so in the manner hereinbefore provided, and in addition to the persons directed to be made parties, all others shall be parties through whose lands, canals, or ditches the water to be drained may pass till it shall have reached the furthest artificial outlet. And the privilege of cutting into such canal or ditch may be granted under the same rules and upon the same conditions and restrictions as are provided in respect to cutting the first canal or ditch: Provided, that no canal or ditch shall be allowed to be cut into another if thereby the safety or utility of the latter shall be impaired or endangered: Provided, further, that if such impairing and danger can be avoided by imposing on the petitioner duties or labor in the enlarging or deepening of such canal or ditch, or otherwise, the same may be done; but no absolute decree for cutting such second canal or ditch shall pass till the duties or work so imposed shall be performed and the effect thereof is seen, so as to enable the commissioners to determine the matter whether such second canal or ditch ought to be allowed or not: Provided, that any party to the proceeding may appeal from the judgment of the court rendered under this section to the superior court of the county, where a trial and determination of all issues raised in the pleadings shall be had as in other cases before a judge and jury. (R.C., c. 40, s. 9; Code, s. 1305; 1887, c. 222; Rev., s. 3990; C.S., s. 5269; 1973, c. 108, s. 94.)
Structure North Carolina General Statutes
North Carolina General Statutes
Article 1 - Jurisdiction in Clerk of Superior Court.
§ 156-1 - Supplemental proceeding.
§ 156-2 - Petition filed; commissioners appointed.
§ 156-3 - Duty of commissioners.
§ 156-4 - Report and confirmation; easement acquired; exceptions.
§ 156-5 - Width of right-of-way for repairs.
§ 156-6 - Right of owner to fence; entry for repairs.
§ 156-7 - Earth for construction of dam; removal of dam.
§ 156-8 - Earth from canal removed or leveled.
§ 156-9 - No drain opened within 30 feet.
§ 156-10 - Right to drain into canal.
§ 156-11 - Expense of repairs apportioned.
§ 156-12 - Notice of making repairs.
§ 156-13 - Judgment against owner in default; lien.
§ 156-14 - Subsequent owners bound.
§ 156-15 - Amount of contribution for repair ascertained.
§ 156-16 - Petition by servient owner against dominant owner.
§ 156-17 - Commissioners to examine lands and make report.
§ 156-18 - Cost of repairs enforced by judgment.
§ 156-19 - Obstructing canal or ditch dug under agreement.
§ 156-20 - Right of dominant owner to repair.
§ 156-23 - Easement of drainage surrendered.
§ 156-24 - Obstructing drain cut by consent.
§ 156-25 - Protection of canals, ditches, and natural drains.
§ 156-26 - Procedure upon agreement.
§ 156-27 - Recovery for benefits; payment of damages.
§ 156-28 - Notice to landowners; assessments made by viewers.
§ 156-29 - Report filed; appeal and jury trial.