North Carolina General Statutes
Article 14 - Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
§ 143B-1310 - Commission established; purpose; transaction of business.

143B-1310. Commission established; purpose; transaction of business.
(a) Establishment. - There is established the North Carolina Military Affairs Commission. The Commission shall be assigned to the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs solely for purposes of G.S. 143B-14(a). As authorized by G.S. 143B-14(b), the Commission shall exercise all its powers, duties, and functions independently. Notwithstanding G.S. 143B-14(d), the Secretary of Military and Veterans Affairs shall not perform any of the Commission's management functions. Consistent with G.S. 143B-14(a), the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs shall provide the following administrative services to the Commission:
(1) Noticing and providing space for meetings of the Commission and its committees.
(2) Taking minutes of the Commission's meetings.
(3) Reimbursing per diem, subsistence, and travel expenses pursuant to G.S. 143B-1311(h).
(4) Serving as a liaison among the committees of the Commission.
(5) Any other administrative services requested by the Commission.
(b) Purpose. - The Commission shall provide advice, counsel, and recommendations to the General Assembly, the Secretary of Military and Veterans Affairs, and other State agencies on initiatives, programs, and legislation that will continue and increase the role that North Carolina's military installations, the National Guard, and Reserves play in America's defense strategy and the economic health and vitality of the State. The Commission is authorized to do all of the following:
(1) Coordinate and provide recommendations to the Governor, General Assembly, and State agencies to protect North Carolina's military installations from encroachment or other initiatives that could result in degradation or restrictions to military operations, training ranges, or low-level routes.
(2) Cooperate with military installations to facilitate the military mission, training, and continued presence of major military installations in the State and notify the commanding military officer of a military installation and the governing body in affected counties and municipalities of any economic development or other projects that may impact military installations.
(3) Identify and support ways to provide a sound infrastructure, adequate housing and education, and transition support into North Carolina's workforce for military members and their families, military retirees, and veterans.
(4) Lead the State's initiative to prepare for the next round of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), as defined by the Governor and the General Assembly, with input from local military communities.
(5) Identify and support economic development organizations and initiatives that focus on leveraging the military and other business opportunities to help create jobs and expand defense and homeland security related economic development activity in North Carolina.
(6) Assist military installations located within the State by coordinating with commanders, communities, and State and federal agencies on affairs that affect military installations and may require State coordination and assistance.
(7) Support the long-term goal of a viable and prosperous military presence in the State, which shall include development of comprehensive economic impact studies of military activities in North Carolina, updated every two years with recommendations for initiatives to support this goal.
(8) Support the Army's Compatible Use Buffer Program, the Working Lands Group, and related initiatives.
(9) Adopt processes to ensure that all planning, coordination, and actions are conducted with timely consideration having been given to relevant military readiness or training concerns and with appropriate communications with all potentially affected military entities.
(10) Share information and coordinate efforts with the North Carolina congressional delegation and other federal agencies, as appropriate.
(11) Any other issue or matter that the Commission deems essential to fulfilling its purpose.
(c) Transaction of Business. - The Commission shall meet, at a minimum, at least once during each quarter and shall provide a report on military affairs to the Secretary of Military and Veterans Affairs and the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on General Government at least every six months. Prior to the start of a Regular Session of the General Assembly, the Commission shall report to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on General Government with recommendations, if any, for legislation. Priority actions or issues may be submitted at any time.
(d) Meetings and Records. - In accordance with Article 33C of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes and Chapter 132 of the General Statutes, the Commission may withhold documents and discussions related to the federal government's process to determine closure or realignment of military installations withheld from public inspection so long as public inspection would frustrate the purpose of confidentiality. (2001-424, s. 12.1; 2013-227, s. 2; 2014-79, s. 6; 2015-241, s. 24.1(l), (w); 2015-268, s. 7.3(a); 2017-57, s. 19.1(b); 2021-180, s. 37.9(c).)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 143B - Executive Organization Act of 1973

Article 14 - Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

§ 143B-1210 - Organization.

§ 143B-1211 - Powers and duties of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

§ 143B-1212 - Personnel of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

§ 143B-1213 - Definitions.

§ 143B-1214 - Appropriations.

§ 143B-1215 - Copies of records to be furnished to the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

§ 143B-1216 - Confidentiality of Department of Military and Veterans Affairs records.

§ 143B-1217 - Military Presence Stabilization Fund.

§ 143B-1220 - Veterans' Affairs Commission creation, powers and duties.

§ 143B-1221 - Veterans' Affairs Commission members; selection; quorum; compensation.

§ 143B-1221.1 - Strategic plan.

§ 143B-1222 - Veterans' Affairs Commission Advisory Committee members; compensation.

§ 143B-1223 - Purpose.

§ 143B-1224 - Definitions.

§ 143B-1225 - Scholarship.

§ 143B-1226 - Classes or categories of eligibility under which scholarships may be awarded.

§ 143B-1227 - Administration and funding.

§ 143B-1228 - Report on scholarships.

§ 143B-1235 - Governor's Jobs for Veterans Committee creation; appointment, organization, etc.; duties.

§ 143B-1236 - Governor's Jobs for Veterans Committee authority to receive grants-in-aid.

§ 143B-1240 - Short title.

§ 143B-1241 - Definition.

§ 143B-1242 - Application of Part.

§ 143B-1243 - Purpose of Part.

§ 143B-1244 - Rights conferred; limitation.

§ 143B-1247 - Definition.

§ 143B-1248 - Rights conferred.

§ 143B-1250 - Short title.

§ 143B-1251 - Finding and declaration of necessity.

§ 143B-1252 - Definitions.

§ 143B-1253 - Creation of authority.

§ 143B-1254 - Appointment, qualifications and tenure of commissioners.

§ 143B-1255 - Duty of the authority and commissioners of the authority.

§ 143B-1256 - Interested commissioners or employees.

§ 143B-1257 - Removal of commissioners.

§ 143B-1258 - Powers of authority.

§ 143B-1259 - Zoning and building laws.

§ 143B-1260 - Tax exemptions.

§ 143B-1261 - Reports.

§ 143B-1262 - Exemption from Local Government and County Fiscal Control Acts.

§ 143B-1263 - Conveyance, lease or transfer of property by a city or county to an authority.

§ 143B-1264 - Contracts, etc., with federal government.

§ 143B-1265 - Part controlling.

§ 143B-1270 - Validity of acts of agent performed after death of principal.

§ 143B-1271 - Affidavit of agent as to possessing no knowledge of death of principal.

§ 143B-1272 - Report of "missing" not to constitute revocation.

§ 143B-1273 - Part not to affect provisions for revocation.

§ 143B-1275 - Protecting status of State employees in Armed Forces, etc.

§ 143B-1276 - Korean and Vietnam veterans; benefits and privileges.

§ 143B-1277 - Wearing of medals by public safety personnel.

§ 143B-1280 - Purpose.

§ 143B-1281 - Veteran defined.

§ 143B-1282 - Priority defined.

§ 143B-1283 - Coverage defined.

§ 143B-1284 - Priority employment assistance directed.

§ 143B-1285 - Implementation and performance measures.

§ 143B-1290 - Short Title.

§ 143B-1291 - Establishment.

§ 143B-1292 - Exemption from certificate of need.

§ 143B-1293 - North Carolina Veterans Home Trust Fund.

§ 143B-1294 - Funding.

§ 143B-1295 - Contracted operation of homes.

§ 143B-1296 - Program staff.

§ 143B-1297 - Admission and dismissal authority.

§ 143B-1298 - Eligibility and priorities.

§ 143B-1299 - Deposit required.

§ 143B-1300 - Report and budget.

§ 143B-1301 - Detailed annual report.

§ 143B-1310 - Commission established; purpose; transaction of business.

§ 143B-1310.1 - Strategic plan.

§ 143B-1311 - Membership.

§ 143B-1314 - Protection of sensitive documents.