North Carolina General Statutes
Article 14 - Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
§ 143B-1221 - Veterans' Affairs Commission members; selection; quorum; compensation.

143B-1221. Veterans' Affairs Commission - members; selection; quorum; compensation.
The Veterans' Affairs Commission of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs shall consist of one voting member from each congressional district, all of whom shall be veterans, appointed by the Governor for four-year terms. In making these appointments, the Governor shall insure that both major political parties will be continuously represented on the Veterans' Affairs Commission.
The initial members of the Commission shall be the appointed members of the current Veterans' Affairs Commission who shall serve for the remainder of their current terms and six additional members appointed by the Governor for terms expiring June 30, 1981. Thereafter, all members shall be appointed for terms of four years. Any appointment to fill a vacancy on the Commission created by the resignation, dismissal, death or disability of a member shall be for the balance of the unexpired term. The Governor shall have the power to remove any member of the Commission in accordance with provisions of G.S. 143B-13.
In the event that more than 11 congressional districts are established in the State, the Governor shall on July 1 following the establishment of such additional congressional districts appoint a member of the Commission from that congressional district. If on July 1, 1977, or at any time thereafter due to congressional redistricting, two or more members of the Veterans' Affairs Commission shall reside in the same congressional district then such members shall continue to serve as members of the Commission for a period equal to the remainder of their current terms on the Commission provided that upon the expiration of said term or terms the Governor shall fill such vacancy or vacancies in such a manner as to insure that as expeditiously as possible there is one member of the Veterans' Affairs Commission who is a resident of each congressional district in the State.
The Governor shall designate from the membership of the Commission a chairman and vice-chairman of the Commission who shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Secretary of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs or his designee shall serve as secretary of the Commission.
Members of the Commission shall receive per diem and necessary travel and subsistence expenses in accordance with provisions of G.S. 138-5.
A majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
The Veterans' Affairs Commission shall meet at least twice a year and may hold special meetings at any time or place within the State at the call of the chairman, at the call of the Secretary of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs or upon the written request of at least six members.
All clerical and other services required by the Commission shall be provided by the Secretary of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. (1973, c. 620, s. 8; 1977, c. 70, ss. 24, 25, 27; c. 637, s. 1; 2015-241, ss. 24.1(c), (cc); 2015-268, s. 7.3(a).)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 143B - Executive Organization Act of 1973

Article 14 - Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

§ 143B-1210 - Organization.

§ 143B-1211 - Powers and duties of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

§ 143B-1212 - Personnel of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

§ 143B-1213 - Definitions.

§ 143B-1214 - Appropriations.

§ 143B-1215 - Copies of records to be furnished to the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

§ 143B-1216 - Confidentiality of Department of Military and Veterans Affairs records.

§ 143B-1217 - Military Presence Stabilization Fund.

§ 143B-1220 - Veterans' Affairs Commission creation, powers and duties.

§ 143B-1221 - Veterans' Affairs Commission members; selection; quorum; compensation.

§ 143B-1221.1 - Strategic plan.

§ 143B-1222 - Veterans' Affairs Commission Advisory Committee members; compensation.

§ 143B-1223 - Purpose.

§ 143B-1224 - Definitions.

§ 143B-1225 - Scholarship.

§ 143B-1226 - Classes or categories of eligibility under which scholarships may be awarded.

§ 143B-1227 - Administration and funding.

§ 143B-1228 - Report on scholarships.

§ 143B-1235 - Governor's Jobs for Veterans Committee creation; appointment, organization, etc.; duties.

§ 143B-1236 - Governor's Jobs for Veterans Committee authority to receive grants-in-aid.

§ 143B-1240 - Short title.

§ 143B-1241 - Definition.

§ 143B-1242 - Application of Part.

§ 143B-1243 - Purpose of Part.

§ 143B-1244 - Rights conferred; limitation.

§ 143B-1247 - Definition.

§ 143B-1248 - Rights conferred.

§ 143B-1250 - Short title.

§ 143B-1251 - Finding and declaration of necessity.

§ 143B-1252 - Definitions.

§ 143B-1253 - Creation of authority.

§ 143B-1254 - Appointment, qualifications and tenure of commissioners.

§ 143B-1255 - Duty of the authority and commissioners of the authority.

§ 143B-1256 - Interested commissioners or employees.

§ 143B-1257 - Removal of commissioners.

§ 143B-1258 - Powers of authority.

§ 143B-1259 - Zoning and building laws.

§ 143B-1260 - Tax exemptions.

§ 143B-1261 - Reports.

§ 143B-1262 - Exemption from Local Government and County Fiscal Control Acts.

§ 143B-1263 - Conveyance, lease or transfer of property by a city or county to an authority.

§ 143B-1264 - Contracts, etc., with federal government.

§ 143B-1265 - Part controlling.

§ 143B-1270 - Validity of acts of agent performed after death of principal.

§ 143B-1271 - Affidavit of agent as to possessing no knowledge of death of principal.

§ 143B-1272 - Report of "missing" not to constitute revocation.

§ 143B-1273 - Part not to affect provisions for revocation.

§ 143B-1275 - Protecting status of State employees in Armed Forces, etc.

§ 143B-1276 - Korean and Vietnam veterans; benefits and privileges.

§ 143B-1277 - Wearing of medals by public safety personnel.

§ 143B-1280 - Purpose.

§ 143B-1281 - Veteran defined.

§ 143B-1282 - Priority defined.

§ 143B-1283 - Coverage defined.

§ 143B-1284 - Priority employment assistance directed.

§ 143B-1285 - Implementation and performance measures.

§ 143B-1290 - Short Title.

§ 143B-1291 - Establishment.

§ 143B-1292 - Exemption from certificate of need.

§ 143B-1293 - North Carolina Veterans Home Trust Fund.

§ 143B-1294 - Funding.

§ 143B-1295 - Contracted operation of homes.

§ 143B-1296 - Program staff.

§ 143B-1297 - Admission and dismissal authority.

§ 143B-1298 - Eligibility and priorities.

§ 143B-1299 - Deposit required.

§ 143B-1300 - Report and budget.

§ 143B-1301 - Detailed annual report.

§ 143B-1310 - Commission established; purpose; transaction of business.

§ 143B-1310.1 - Strategic plan.

§ 143B-1311 - Membership.

§ 143B-1314 - Protection of sensitive documents.