North Carolina General Statutes
Article 3 - Purchases and Contracts.
§ 143-63 - Financial interest of officers in sources of supply; acceptance of bribes.

143-63. Financial interest of officers in sources of supply; acceptance of bribes.
Neither the Secretary of Administration, nor any assistant of the Secretary's shall be financially interested, or have any personal beneficial interest, either directly or indirectly, in the purchase of, or contract for, any materials, equipment or supplies, nor in any firm, corporation, partnership or association furnishing any such supplies, materials or equipment to the State government, or any of its departments, institutions or agencies, nor shall such Secretary, assistant, or member of the Commission accept or receive, directly or indirectly, from any person, firm or corporation to whom any contract may be awarded, by rebate, gifts or otherwise, any money or anything of value whatsoever, or any promise, obligation or contract for future reward or compensation. Any violation of this section shall be deemed a Class F felony. Upon conviction thereof, any such Secretary or assistant shall be removed from office. (1931, c. 261, s. 15; 1957, c. 269, s. 3; 1971, c. 587, s. 1; 1975, c. 879, s. 46; 1983, c. 717, s. 81; 1993, c. 539, s. 1311; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 2006-203, s. 86.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 143 - State Departments, Institutions, and Commissions

Article 3 - Purchases and Contracts.

§ 143-48 - State policy; cooperation in promoting the use of small contractors, minority contractors, physically handicapped contractors, and women contractors; purpose; required annual reports.

§ 143-48.1 - Medicaid program exemption.

§ 143-48.2 - Procurement program for nonprofit work centers for the blind and the severely disabled.

§ 143-48.3 - Electronic procurement.

§ 143-48.4 - Statewide uniform certification of historically underutilized businesses.

§ 143-48.5 - Contractors must use E-Verify.

§ 143-48.6 - Personal services contracts subject to Article.

§ 143-49 - Powers and duties of Secretary.

§ 143-49.1 - Purchases by volunteer nonprofit fire department and lifesaving and rescue squad.

§ 143-50 - Certain contractual powers exercised by other departments transferred to Secretary.

§ 143-50.1 - Division of Purchase and Contract; Contract Management Section.

§ 143-51 - Reports to Secretary required of all agencies as to needs and purchases.

§ 143-52 - Competitive bidding procedure; consolidation of estimates by Secretary; bids; awarding of contracts; cost plus percentage of cost contracts strictly prohibited.

§ 143-52.1 - Award recommendations; State Purchasing Officer action.

§ 143-52.3 - Multiple award schedule contracts.

§ 143-53 - Rules.

§ 143-53.1 - Setting of benchmarks; increase by Secretary.

§ 143-54 - Certification that bids were submitted without collusion.

§ 143-55 - Requisitioning by agencies; must purchase through sources certified.

§ 143-56 - Certain purchases excepted from provisions of Article.

§ 143-57 - Purchases of articles in certain emergencies.

§ 143-57.1 - Furniture requirements contracts.

§ 143-58 - Contracts contrary to provisions of Article made void.

§ 143-58.1 - Unauthorized use of public purchase or contract procedures for private benefit.

§ 143-58.2 - State policy; bid procedures and specifications; identification of products.

§ 143-58.3 - Purchase of recycled paper and paper products; goals.

§ 143-58.4 - Energy credit banking and selling program.

§ 143-58.5 - Alternative Fuel Revolving Fund.

§ 143-58.6 - Specifications for use of coal combustion products.

§ 143-58.7 - Contracts with Conservation Corps North Carolina.

§ 143-59 - Preference given to North Carolina products and citizens, and articles manufactured by State agencies; reciprocal preferences.

§ 143-59.1 - Contracts with certain foreign vendors.

§ 143-59.1A - Preference given to products made in United States.

§ 143-59.2 - Certain vendors prohibited from contracting with State.

§ 143-59.3 - Contracts for the purchase of reconstituted or recombined fluid milk products prohibited.

§ 143-59.4 - Contracts performed outside the United States.

§ 143-60 - Rules covering certain purposes.

§ 143-62 - Law applicable to printing Supreme Court Reports not affected.

§ 143-63 - Financial interest of officers in sources of supply; acceptance of bribes.

§ 143-63.1 - Sale, disposal and destruction of firearms.

§ 143-63.2 - Purchase of tires for State vehicles; repair or refurbishment of tires for State vehicles.