North Carolina General Statutes
Article 22 - Damages and Other Offenses to Land and Fixtures.
§ 14-157 - Felling trees on telephone and electric-power wires.

14-157. Felling trees on telephone and electric-power wires.
If any person shall negligently and carelessly cut or fell any tree, or any limb or branch therefrom, in such a manner as to cause the same to fall upon and across any telephone, electric light or electric-power-transmission wire, from which any injury to such wire shall be occasioned, he shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor, and shall also be liable to penalty of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each and every offense. (1903, c. 616; Rev., s. 3849; 1907, c. 827, s. 2; C.S., s. 4329; 1969, c. 1224, s. 9; 1993, c. 539, s. 95; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 14 - Criminal Law

Article 22 - Damages and Other Offenses to Land and Fixtures.

§ 14-127 - Willful and wanton injury to real property.

§ 14-127.1 - Graffiti vandalism.

§ 14-128 - Injury to trees, crops, lands, etc., of another.

§ 14-129 - Taking, etc., of certain wild plants from land of another.

§ 14-129.2 - Unlawful to take sea oats.

§ 14-129.3 - Felony taking of Venus flytrap.

§ 14-130 - Trespass on public lands.

§ 14-131 - Trespass on land under option by the federal government.

§ 14-132 - Disorderly conduct in and injuries to public buildings and facilities.

§ 14-132.2 - Willfully trespassing upon, damaging, or impeding the progress of a public school bus.

§ 14-134.2 - Operating motor vehicle upon utility easements after being forbidden to do so.

§ 14-134.3 - Domestic criminal trespass.

§ 14-135 - Larceny of timber.

§ 14-135.1 - Wood load tickets required for certain wood product sales; exceptions; penalties.

§ 14-136 - Setting fire to grass and brushlands and woodlands.

§ 14-137 - Willfully or negligently setting fire to woods and fields.

§ 14-138.1 - Setting fire to grassland, brushland, or woodland.

§ 14-140.1 - Certain fire to be guarded by watchman.

§ 14-141 - Burning or otherwise destroying crops in the field.

§ 14-142 - Injuries to dams and water channels of mills and factories.

§ 14-144 - Injuring houses, churches, fences and walls.

§ 14-145 - Unlawful posting of advertisements.

§ 14-146 - Injuring bridges.

§ 14-147 - Removing, altering or defacing landmarks.

§ 14-148 - Defacing or desecrating grave sites.

§ 14-149 - Desecrating, plowing over or covering up graves; desecrating human remains.

§ 14-151 - Interfering with gas, electric, and steam appliances or meters; penalties.

§ 14-152 - Injuring fixtures and other property of gas companies; civil liability.

§ 14-153 - Tampering with engines and boilers.

§ 14-154 - Injuring wires and other fixtures of telephone, telegraph, and electric-power companies.

§ 14-155 - Unauthorized connections with telephone or telegraph.

§ 14-156 - Injuring fixtures and other property of electric-power companies.

§ 14-157 - Felling trees on telephone and electric-power wires.

§ 14-158 - Interfering with telephone lines.

§ 14-159 - Injuring buildings or fences; taking possession of house without consent.

§ 14-159.1 - Contaminating a public water system.

§ 14-159.2 - Interference with animal research.

§ 14-159.3 - Trespass to land on motorized all-terrain vehicle.

§ 14-159.4 - Cutting, mutilating, defacing, or otherwise injuring property to obtain nonferrous metals.