North Carolina General Statutes
Article 22 - Damages and Other Offenses to Land and Fixtures.
§ 14-148 - Defacing or desecrating grave sites.

14-148. Defacing or desecrating grave sites.
(a) It is unlawful to willfully:
(1) Throw, place or put any refuse, garbage or trash in or on any cemetery.
(2) Take away, disturb, vandalize, destroy or change the location of any stone, brick, iron or other material or fence enclosing a cemetery without authorization of law or consent of the surviving spouse or next of kin of the deceased.
(3) Take away, disturb, vandalize, destroy, or tamper with any shrubbery, flowers, plants or other articles planted or placed within any cemetery to designate where human remains are interred or to preserve and perpetuate the memory and name of any person, without authorization of law or the consent of the surviving spouse or next of kin.
(b) The provisions of this section shall not apply to:
(1) Ordinary maintenance and care of a cemetery by the owner, caretaker, or other person acting to facilitate cemetery operations by keeping the cemetery free from accumulated debris or other signs of neglect.
(2) Conduct that is punishable under G.S. 14-149.
(3) A professional archaeologist as defined in G.S. 70-28(4) acting pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of Chapter 70 of the General Statutes.
(c) Violation of this section is a Class I felony if the damage caused by the violation is one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more. Any other violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor. In passing sentence, the court shall consider the appropriateness of restitution or reparation as a condition of probation under G.S. 15A-1343(b)(9) as an alternative to actual imposition of a fine, jail term, or both. (1840, c. 6; R.C., c. 34, s. 102; Code, s. 1088; Rev., s. 3680; C.S., s. 4320; 1969, c. 987; 1981, c. 752, s. 1; c. 853, s. 4; 1993, c. 539, s. 87; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 2007-122, s. 1.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 14 - Criminal Law

Article 22 - Damages and Other Offenses to Land and Fixtures.

§ 14-127 - Willful and wanton injury to real property.

§ 14-127.1 - Graffiti vandalism.

§ 14-128 - Injury to trees, crops, lands, etc., of another.

§ 14-129 - Taking, etc., of certain wild plants from land of another.

§ 14-129.2 - Unlawful to take sea oats.

§ 14-129.3 - Felony taking of Venus flytrap.

§ 14-130 - Trespass on public lands.

§ 14-131 - Trespass on land under option by the federal government.

§ 14-132 - Disorderly conduct in and injuries to public buildings and facilities.

§ 14-132.2 - Willfully trespassing upon, damaging, or impeding the progress of a public school bus.

§ 14-134.2 - Operating motor vehicle upon utility easements after being forbidden to do so.

§ 14-134.3 - Domestic criminal trespass.

§ 14-135 - Larceny of timber.

§ 14-135.1 - Wood load tickets required for certain wood product sales; exceptions; penalties.

§ 14-136 - Setting fire to grass and brushlands and woodlands.

§ 14-137 - Willfully or negligently setting fire to woods and fields.

§ 14-138.1 - Setting fire to grassland, brushland, or woodland.

§ 14-140.1 - Certain fire to be guarded by watchman.

§ 14-141 - Burning or otherwise destroying crops in the field.

§ 14-142 - Injuries to dams and water channels of mills and factories.

§ 14-144 - Injuring houses, churches, fences and walls.

§ 14-145 - Unlawful posting of advertisements.

§ 14-146 - Injuring bridges.

§ 14-147 - Removing, altering or defacing landmarks.

§ 14-148 - Defacing or desecrating grave sites.

§ 14-149 - Desecrating, plowing over or covering up graves; desecrating human remains.

§ 14-151 - Interfering with gas, electric, and steam appliances or meters; penalties.

§ 14-152 - Injuring fixtures and other property of gas companies; civil liability.

§ 14-153 - Tampering with engines and boilers.

§ 14-154 - Injuring wires and other fixtures of telephone, telegraph, and electric-power companies.

§ 14-155 - Unauthorized connections with telephone or telegraph.

§ 14-156 - Injuring fixtures and other property of electric-power companies.

§ 14-157 - Felling trees on telephone and electric-power wires.

§ 14-158 - Interfering with telephone lines.

§ 14-159 - Injuring buildings or fences; taking possession of house without consent.

§ 14-159.1 - Contaminating a public water system.

§ 14-159.2 - Interference with animal research.

§ 14-159.3 - Trespass to land on motorized all-terrain vehicle.

§ 14-159.4 - Cutting, mutilating, defacing, or otherwise injuring property to obtain nonferrous metals.