North Carolina General Statutes
Article 23 - State Education Assistance.
§ 116-209.61 - North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission established; membership.

116-209.61. North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission established; membership.
(a) Commission Established. - There is established the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission. The Commission shall determine program and forgivable loan recipient selection criteria and selection procedures and shall select the recipients to receive forgivable loans under the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program in accordance with the requirements of this Part. The Director of the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program shall appoint staff to the Commission.
(b) Membership. - The Commission shall consist of 14 members who shall be appointed or serve as ex officio members as follows:
(1) The Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina shall appoint seven members to the Commission as follows:
a. Two deans of approved schools of education at postsecondary constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina.
b. The president of a North Carolina community college.
c. A teacher who graduated from an approved educator preparation program located in the State within three years of appointment to serve on the Commission.
d. A principal who graduated from an approved educator preparation program located in the State.
e. A local board of education member.
f. A member to represent business and industry in North Carolina.
(2) The General Assembly shall appoint two members to the Commission in accordance with G.S. 120-121 as follows:
a. One dean of an approved school of education at a private postsecondary institution operating in the State upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
b. One dean of an approved school of education at a private postsecondary institution operating in the State upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
(3) The following five members shall serve as ex officio members to the Commission:
a. The North Carolina Teacher of the Year.
b. The North Carolina Principal of the Year.
c. The North Carolina Superintendent of the Year.
d. The chair of the Board of the State Education Assistance Authority.
e. The Director of the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program.
(c) Terms of Office. - Appointments to the Commission shall be for two-year terms, expiring on July 1 in odd-numbered years. Members serving ex officio, other than the chair of the Board of the State Education Assistance Authority and Director of the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program, who have otherwise completed their term of service, shall continue to serve on the Commission until July 1, annually.
(d) Vacancies. - Except as otherwise provided, if a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Commission, the appointing authority shall appoint another person meeting the same qualifications to serve for the balance of the unexpired term.
(e) Chair; Meetings. - The Director of the Program shall call the first meeting of the Commission. The Commission members shall elect a chair and a vice-chair from the membership of the Commission to serve one-year terms. The Commission shall meet regularly at times and places deemed necessary by the chair or, in the absence of the chair, by the vice-chair.
(f) Conflict of Interest. - A member of the Commission shall abstain from voting on the selection of an educator preparation program of a postsecondary constituent institution of The University of North Carolina or a private postsecondary institution operating in the State under G.S. 116-209.62(f) if the member is an officer or employee of the institution or sits as a member of the institution's board of directors.
(g) Expenses. - Commission members shall receive per diem, subsistence, and travel allowances in accordance with G.S. 138-5 or G.S. 138-6, as appropriate. (2017-57, s. 10A.3.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 116 - Higher Education

Article 23 - State Education Assistance.

§ 116-201 - Purpose and definitions.

§ 116-202 - Authority may buy and sell students' obligations; undertakings of Authority limited to revenues.

§ 116-203 - Authority created as subdivision of State; appointment, terms and removal of board of directors; officers; quorum; expenses and compensation of directors.

§ 116-204 - Powers of Authority.

§ 116-204.1 - Council on residency determination policies.

§ 116-205 - Title to property; use of State lands; offices.

§ 116-206 - Acquisition of obligations.

§ 116-207 - Terms of acquisitions.

§ 116-208 - Construction of Article.

§ 116-209 - Reserve Trust Fund created; transfer of Escheat Fund; pledge of security interest for payment of bonds; administration.

§ 116-209.1 - Provisions in conflict.

§ 116-209.2 - Reserves.

§ 116-209.3 - Additional powers.

§ 116-209.4 - Authority to issue bonds.

§ 116-209.5 - Bond resolution.

§ 116-209.6 - Revenues.

§ 116-209.7 - Trust funds.

§ 116-209.8 - Remedies.

§ 116-209.9 - Negotiability of bonds.

§ 116-209.10 - Bonds eligible for investment.

§ 116-209.11 - Additional pledge.

§ 116-209.12 - Credit of State not pledged.

§ 116-209.13 - Tax exemption.

§ 116-209.14 - Annual reports.

§ 116-209.15 - Merger of trust fund.

§ 116-209.16 - Other powers; criteria.

§ 116-209.16A - Information on career and major options.

§ 116-209.17 - Establishment of student assistance program.

§ 116-209.18 - Powers of Authority to administer student assistance program.

§ 116-209.19 - Grants to students.

§ 116-209.19A - Limit semesters eligible for need-based grants and scholarships[Effective until January 1, 2023]

§ 116-209.20 - Public purpose.

§ 116-209.22 - Constitutional construction.

§ 116-209.23 - Inconsistent laws inapplicable.

§ 116-209.24 - Parental loans.

§ 116-209.25 - Parental Savings Trust Fund.

§ 116-209.27 - Administration of scholarships previously awarded by Teaching Fellows Program.

§ 116-209.28 - Administration of scholarships previously awarded by the Principal Fellows Program.

§ 116-209.45 - Forgivable Education Loans for Service Program and Fund.

§ 116-209.50 - Recodified as G.S§ 127A-190, effective November 18, 2021.

§ 116-209.51 - Recodified as G.S§ 127A-191, effective November 18, 2021.

§ 116-209.52 - Recodified as G.S§ 127A-192, effective November 18, 2021.

§ 116-209.53 - Recodified as G.S§ 127A-193, effective November 18, 2021.

§ 116-209.54 - Recodified as G.S§ 127A-194, effective November 18, 2021.

§ 116-209.55 - Recodified as G.S§ 127A-195, effective November 18, 2021.

§ 116-209.60 - Definitions.

§ 116-209.61 - North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission established; membership.

§ 116-209.62 - North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program established; administration.

§ 116-209.63 - Terms of forgivable loans; receipt and disbursement of funds.

§ 116-209.80 - Definitions.

§ 116-209.81 - Eligibility requirements for a scholarship.

§ 116-209.82 - Semester limitation on eligibility for scholarship.

§ 116-209.83 - Scholarship amounts; adjustment of scholarship amounts.

§ 116-209.84 - Scholarship administration; reporting requirements.

§ 116-209.85 - Scholarship Reserve Fund for Public Colleges and Universities.

§ 116-209.90 - Tuition grants for graduates to attend a constituent institution.

§ 116-209.91 - Administration of tuition grants.