North Carolina General Statutes
Article 21 - Licenses and Permits Issued by the Wildlife Resources Commission.
§ 113-276.1 - Regulatory authority of Wildlife Resources Commission as to license requirements and exemptions.

113-276.1. Regulatory authority of Wildlife Resources Commission as to license requirements and exemptions.
In its discretion and in accordance with the best interests of the conservation of wildlife resources, the Wildlife Resources Commission may implement the provisions of this Article with rules that:
(1) [Reserved.]
(2) Regulate license requirements and exemptions applying to the taking of wildlife on particular waters forming or lying across a county boundary where there may be confusion as to the location of the boundary, hardship imposed as to the location of the boundary, or difficulty of administering or enforcing the law with respect to the actual boundary location.
(3) Require persons subject to license requirements, and persons exempt from license requirements, to carry, display, or produce identification that may be necessary to substantiate the person's entitlement to a particular license or to a particular exemption from license requirements.
(4) Require individuals aboard vessels or carrying weapons or other gear that may be used to take wildlife resources, and in an area at a time wildlife resources may be taken, to exhibit identification that includes the individual's name and current address. More than one piece of identification, including a vehicle driver license, may be required to be exhibited, if available.
(5) Implement a system of tagging and reporting fur-bearing animals and big game. Upon the implementation of a tagging system for any species of fur-bearing animal, the Wildlife Resources Commission may charge a reasonable fee to defray its costs for each tag furnished. The price of the big game hunting license includes the cost of big game tags. (1979, c. 830, s. 1; 1987, c. 827, s. 98; 2019-204, s. 6(p).)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 113 - Conservation and Development

Article 21 - Licenses and Permits Issued by the Wildlife Resources Commission.

§ 113-270.1 - (Effective until July 1, 2023) License agents.

§ 113-270.1A - Hunter safety course required.

§ 113-270.1B - License required to hunt, fish, or trap; fees set by Commission.

§ 113-270.1C - Combination hunting and inland fishing licenses.

§ 113-270.1D - Sportsman licenses.

§ 113-270.2 - Hunting licenses.

§ 113-270.2A - Voluntary contribution to hunter education program.

§ 113-270.2B - Voluntary migratory waterfowl conservation print.

§ 113-270.3 - Special activity licenses; big game kill reports.

§ 113-270.4 - Hunting and fishing guide license.

§ 113-270.5 - Trapping licenses.

§ 113-271 - Hook-and-line licenses in inland and joint fishing waters.

§ 113-272.2 - Special device licenses.

§ 113-272.3 - Special provisions respecting fishing licenses; grabbling; taking bait fish; use of landing nets; lifetime licenses issued from Wildlife Resources Commission headquarters; personalized lifetime sportsman combination licenses.

§ 113-272.4 - Collection licenses.

§ 113-272.5 - Captivity license.

§ 113-272.6 - Possession, Transportation, Importation, and Exportation of non-farmed cervids.

§ 113-273 - Other licenses.

§ 113-274 - Permits.

§ 113-275 - General provisions respecting licenses and permits.

§ 113-276 - Exemptions and exceptions to license and permit requirements.

§ 113-276.1 - Regulatory authority of Wildlife Resources Commission as to license requirements and exemptions.

§ 113-276.2 - Licensees and permittees subject to administrative control; refusal to issue or reissue, suspension, and revocation of their licenses and permits; court orders of suspension.

§ 113-276.3 - Mandatory suspension of entitlement to license or permit for fixed period upon conviction of specified offenses.

§ 113-277 - Suspension and revocation of licenses and permits in the discretion of the court; suspension of entitlement; court's power concurrent; definition of "conviction"; penalties.