105-129.54. (See note for repeal) Report.
The Department must include in the economic incentives report required by G.S. 105-256 the following information itemized by credit and by taxpayer:
(1) The number of taxpayers that took a credit allowed in this Article, itemized by the categories of small business, low-tier, university research, Eco-Industrial Park, and other.
(2) The amount of each credit taken in each category.
(3) The total cost to the General Fund of the credits taken. (2004-124, s. 32D.2; 2005-429, s. 2.7; 2010-147, s. 3.5; 2010-166, s. 1.7; 2013-316, s. 2.3(d).)
Structure North Carolina General Statutes
North Carolina General Statutes
Article 3F - Research and Development.
§ 105-129.50 - (See note for repeal) Definitions.
§ 105-129.51 - (See note for repeal) Taxpayer standards and sunset.
§ 105-129.52 - (See note for repeal) Tax election; cap.
§ 105-129.53 - (See note for repeal) Substantiation.
§ 105-129.54 - (See note for repeal) Report.
§ 105-129.55 - (See note for repeal) Credit for North Carolina research and development.