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50 - Liability of Corporation to Employees of Contractor. - § 50. Liability of corporation to employees of contractor. An...
51 - Weight of Rail. - § 51. Weight of rail. The rail used in the...
51-A - Clearances. - § 51-a. Clearances. Clearance distance between adjacent tracks and between...
52 - Fences, Farm Crossings and Cattle-Guards. - § 52. Fences, farm crossings and cattle-guards. Every railroad corporation,...
52-A - Fences Along Road Operated by Electric Third Rail. - § 52-a. Fences along road operated by electric third rail....
52-B - Fences Along Right of Way. - § 52-b. Fences along right of way. Notwithstanding the provisions...
52-C - Fences in Queens County. - § 52-c. Fences in Queens county. Notwithstanding the provisions of...
52-D - Debris to Be Cleared. - § 52-d. Debris to be cleared. Every railroad shall maintain...
52-E - Penalties for Littering. - § 52-e. Penalties for littering. 1. No person shall throw,...
53 - Sign Boards, Flagmen and Gates at Crossings. - § 53. Sign boards, flagmen and gates at crossings. 1....
53-A - Warning Signs. - § 53-a. Warning signs. Every municipality or political subdivision, or...
53-B - Ringing Bells and Blowing Whistles at Crossings. - § 53-b. Ringing bells and blowing whistles at crossings. A...
53-C - Obstructing Farm and Highway Crossings. - § 53-c. Obstructing farm and highway crossings. Any officer or...
53-D - Unlawful Propulsion of a Missile at Railroad Trains. - 53-d. Unlawful propulsion of a missile at railroad trains. A...
53-E - Unlawful Interference With a Railroad Train. - § 53-e. Unlawful interference with a railroad train. A person...
53-F - Joint Inspection of Traffic-Control Signals Interconnected With Highway-Rail At-Grade Crossing Warning Systems. - § 53-f. Joint inspection of traffic-control signals interconnected with highway-rail...
54 - Notice of Starting Trains; No Preferences. - § 54. Notice of starting trains; no preferences. Every railroad...
54-A - Communication. - § 54-a. Communication. 1. No class 1 or class 2...
55 - Accommodation of Connecting Roads. - § 55. Accommodation of connecting roads. Every railroad corporation whose...
56 - Locomotives Must Stop at Grade Crossings. - § 56. Locomotives must stop at grade crossings. All trains...
57 - Rates of Fare. - § 57. Rates of fare. Subject to the provisions of...
57-A - . - § 57-a. A steam or electric railroad corporation having a...
58 - Excess Charge When Fare Paid on Cars. - § 58. Excess charge when fare paid on cars. It...
59 - Penalty for Excessive Fare. - § 59. Penalty for excessive fare. Any railroad corporation, which...
60 - Issue and Use of Mileage Books. - § 60. Issue and use of mileage books. Every railroad...
61 - Passenger Refusing to Pay Fare May Be Ejected. - § 61. Passenger refusing to pay fare may be ejected....
61-A - Sounding of Certain Signals on Railroad Cars by Unauthorized Persons. - § 61-a. Sounding of certain signals on railroad cars by...
62 - Sleeping and Parlor Cars. - § 62. Sleeping and parlor cars. Any railroad corporation may...
63 - Persons Employed as Drivers, Conductors, Motormen or Gripmen. - § 63. Persons employed as drivers, conductors, motormen or gripmen....
64 - Injuries to Employees. - § 64. Injuries to employees. In all actions against a...
65 - Conductors and Employees Must Wear Badges. - § 65. Conductors and employees must wear badges. Every conductor...
66 - Checks for Baggage. - § 66. Checks for baggage. A check, made of some...
67 - Penalties for Injuries to Baggage. - § 67. Penalties for injuries to baggage. Any person whose...
68 - Unclaimed Freight and Baggage. - § 68. Unclaimed freight and baggage. Every railroad or other...
69 - Minimum Standards for Track Inspection and Maintenance. - § 69. Minimum standards for track inspection and maintenance. In...
70 - Rights and Liabilities as Common Carriers. - § 70. Rights and liabilities as common carriers. Every railroad...
71 - Duties Imposed. - § 71. Duties imposed. It shall be the duty of...
71-A - Reflective Whistle Signs. - § 71-a. Reflective whistle signs. 1. It shall be the...
72 - Inspection of Locomotives. - § 72. Inspection of locomotives. It shall be the duty...
73 - Inspectors of Locomotives. - § 73. Inspectors of locomotives. Inspectors shall be appointed by...
74 - Care of Steam Locomotives; Steam and Water Cocks; Penalty. - § 74. Care of steam locomotives; steam and water cocks;...
75 - Commissioner of Transportation May Approve Other Safeguards. - § 75. commissioner of transportation may approve other safeguards. The...
76 - Use of Stoves or Furnaces Prohibited; Exceptions. - § 76. Use of stoves or furnaces prohibited; exceptions. It...
76-A - Motor Cars and Equipment. - § 76-a. Motor cars and equipment. 1. It shall be...
76-B - Equipment Required on Motor Vehicles Transporting Railroad Employees; Penalty. - § 76-b. Equipment required on motor vehicles transporting railroad employees;...
77 - Equipment of Engines. - § 77. Equipment of engines. It shall be unlawful for...
77-A - First-Aid Equipment on Locomotives. - § 77-a. First-aid equipment on locomotives. It shall be unlawful...
77-B - Speedometers on Certain Locomotives. - (b) A railroad shall be deemed to be in compliance...
77-C - Sanitary Conditions. - § 77-c. Sanitary conditions. 1. It shall be the duty...
78 - Coal Jimmies and Caboose Cars. - § 78. Coal jimmies and caboose cars. The use of...
78-A - Electric or Battery-Powered Markers. - § 78-a. Electric or battery-powered markers. 1. Any railroad using...
79 - Air-Brakes. - § 79. Air-brakes. It shall be unlawful for any railroad...
80 - Couplers. - § 80. Couplers. It shall be unlawful for any railroad...
81 - Violation of Sections Seventy-Seven, Seventy-Seven-C, Seventy-Eight, Seventy-Nine, and Eighty. - § 81. Violation of sections seventy-seven, seventy-seven-c, seventy-eight, seventy-nine, and...
82 - Canada Thistles to Be Cut. - § 82. Canada thistles to be cut. Every railroad corporation...
83 - Riding on Platform; Walking Along Track. - § 83. Riding on platform; walking along track. No railroad...
83-A - Operation of Motor Vehicles, Snowmobiles, Recreational Vehicles, and Riding of Animals on Railroad Property. - § 83-a. Operation of motor vehicles, snowmobiles, recreational vehicles, and...
83-B - Trespass Upon Railroad Premises. - § 83-b. Trespass upon railroad premises. 1. Any city with...
84 - Corporations May Establish Ferries. - § 84. Corporations may establish ferries. Any steam railroad corporation,...
85 - Certain Railroads May Cease Operation in Winter. - § 85. Certain railroads may cease operation in winter. The...
86 - Certain Railroads Need Not Be Operated Beyond June, July, August and September. - § 86. Certain railroads need not be operated beyond June,...
87 - Mails. - § 87. Mails. Any railroad corporation shall, when applied to...
88 - When Railroads May Designate Police Officers. - § 88. When railroads may designate police officers. 1. Upon...
89 - New Railroads Across Streets. - § 89. New railroads across streets. All steam surface railroads...
90 - New Streets Across Railroads. - § 90. New streets across railroads. When a new street,...
91 - Alteration or Rehabilitation of Existing Crossing. - § 91. Alteration or rehabilitation of existing crossing. The mayor...
92 - Acquisition of Land, Right or Easement in Crossing. - § 92. Acquisition of land, right or easement in crossing....
93 - Repair of Bridges and Subways at Crossings. - § 93. Repair of bridges and subways at crossings. When...
93-A - Maintenance and Removal of Highway-Railroad Crossing at Grade. - § 93-a. Maintenance and removal of highway-railroad crossing at grade....
93-B - Maintenance and Removal of Highway-Railroad Separation Structures. - § 93-b. Maintenance and removal of highway-railroad separation structures. The...
94 - Performance of Work; Division of Expenses; Accounting; Claims for Damages; Valuation. - § 94. Performance of work; division of expenses; accounting; claims...
95 - Proceedings by Commissioner of Transportation for Alteration of Existing Crossings. - § 95. Proceedings by commissioner of transportation for alteration of...
96 - Proceedings to Enforce Orders of Commissioner of Transportation. - § 96. Proceedings to enforce orders of commissioner of transportation....
97 - Intercity Rail Passenger Service. - § 97. Intercity rail passenger service. 1. As used in...
97-A - Commuter Rail Service. - § 97-a. Commuter rail service. 1. As used in this...
98 - Intersection of Railroads. - § 98. Intersection of railroads. All steam railroads hereafter constructed...
99 - Application of Foregoing Section. - § 99. Application of foregoing section. The provisions of sections...
100 - Temporary Leave Granted by Court to a Street Surface Railroad; Bond. - § 100. Temporary leave granted by court to a street...
101 - Consent of Commissioner of Transportation in Certain Cases. - § 101. Consent of commissioner of transportation in certain cases....
102 - Ventilation of Tunnels. - § 102. Ventilation of tunnels. The commissioner of transportation is...
103 - Lighting of Tunnels. - § 103. Lighting of tunnels. The commissioner of transportation is...
104 - Compliance With Orders of Commissioner of Transportation. - § 104. Compliance with orders of commissioner of transportation. Whenever...
105 - Enforcement. - § 105. Enforcement. After the expiration of thirty days from...
106 - Penalty for Violation. - § 106. Penalty for violation. Every corporation violating any of...
107 - Judgment-Roll. - § 107. Judgment-roll. It shall be the duty of the...
108 - Approval of Appliances in Cities Having a Population of One Million Inhabitants or Over. - § 108. Approval of appliances in cities having a population...