New York Laws
Article 34 - Calendar Practice; Trial Preferences
R3410 - Face-to-Face Meeting for Foreclosure of Reverse Cooperative Apartment Unit Loans.

(b) In any action involving a borrower's default under a reverse
cooperative apartment unit loan, as defined in paragraph (a) of
subdivision one of section six-o of the banking law, the lender shall
file a petition with the supreme court of the county in which the
cooperative apartment is located stating that the loan is in default and
the reason for the default. The petition must be served on the borrower
pursuant to section three hundred eight of this chapter. Within ten days
of the date of service of the notice to the borrower, the petitioner
must file a specialized request for judicial intervention with the
clerk. Within sixty days of receipt of the notice or on such adjourned
date as has been agreed to by the parties, the court shall hold a
mandatory settlement conference for the purpose of holding settlement
discussions pertaining to the relative rights and obligations of the
parties under the loan documents, including, but not limited to:
1. determining whether the parties can reach a mutually agreeable
resolution to help the borrower avoid losing his or her cooperative
apartment unit, and evaluating the potential for a resolution or other
workout options may be agreed; or
2. whatever other purposes the court deems appropriate.
(c) At any meeting held pursuant to this rule, the lender and the
borrower shall appear in person or by counsel, and each party's
representative at the meeting shall be fully authorized to dispose of
the matter. If the borrower is appearing without counsel, the court
shall inform the borrower of the nature of the action and his or her
rights and responsibilities. Where appropriate, the court may permit the
borrower or a representative of the borrower or the defendant to attend
the settlement conference telephonically or by video-conference.
(d) Upon the filing of the notice of default with the court, the court
shall send either a copy of the notice or the borrower's name, address
and telephone number (if available) to a housing counseling agency or
agencies on a list designated by the department for the geographic
region in which the borrower resides. Such information shall be used by
the designated housing counseling agency or agencies exclusively for the
purpose of making the borrower aware of housing counseling and
foreclosure prevention services and options available to them.
(e) The court shall promptly send a notice to parties advising them of
the time and place of the meeting, the purpose of the meeting and the
requirements of this rule. The notice shall be in a form prescribed by
the court, and shall advise the parties of the documents that they shall
bring to the meeting.
(f) Both the lender and the borrower shall negotiate in good faith to
reach a mutually agreeable resolution, including but not limited to a
re-payment agreement, or any other loss mitigation, if possible.
Compliance with the obligation to negotiate in good faith pursuant to
this rule shall be measured by the totality of the circumstances,
including but not limited to the following factors:
1. compliance with the requirements of this rule and applicable
regulations pertaining to the face-to-face meeting process;
2. compliance with applicable lending and servicing laws, rules,
regulations, investor directives, and loss mitigation standards or
options; and

3. conduct consistent with efforts to reach a mutually agreeable
resolution, including but not limited to, avoiding unreasonable delay,
appearing at the meeting with authority to fully dispose of the matter,
avoiding moving forward to take possession while loss mitigation
applications and attempts are pending, and providing accurate
information to the department and all parties.
Neither of the parties' failure to make the offer or accept the offer
made by the other party is sufficient to establish a failure to
negotiate in good faith.
(g) Upon a finding by the court that the plaintiff failed to negotiate
in good faith pursuant to subdivision (f) of this rule, the court shall,
at a minimum, toll the accumulation and collection of interest, costs,
and fees during any undue delay caused by the plaintiff, and where
appropriate, the court may also impose one or more of the following:
1. compel production of any documents requested by the court or the
court's designee during the settlement conference;
2. impose a civil penalty payable to the state that is sufficient to
deter repetition of the conduct and in an amount not to exceed
twenty-five thousand dollars;
3. the court may award actual damages, fees, including attorney fees
and expenses to the defendant as a result of plaintiff's failure to
negotiate in good faith; or
4. award any other relief that the court deems just and proper.
(h) A party to a default action may not charge, impose, or otherwise
require payment from the other party for any cost, including but not
limited to attorneys' fees, for appearance at or participation in the
settlement conference process.
(i) This rule shall not apply if:
1. the borrower dies and there is no surviving borrower, unless: (i)
the last surviving borrower's spouse, if any, is a resident of the
property subject to foreclosure; or (ii) the last surviving borrower's
successor in interest who by bequest or through intestacy, owns, or has
a claim to the ownership of the property subject to foreclosure, and who
was a resident of such property at the time of death of such last
surviving borrower; or the borrower does not reside in the unit after
such non-occupancy by the borrower as verified by the lender and the
lender has taken action as required by subdivision eight of section
six-o of the banking law; or
2. a repayment plan or other workout consistent with the borrower's
circumstances is entered into to bring the borrower's account current or
otherwise cure the default thus making a meeting unnecessary.