New York Laws
Article 3 - Jurisdiction and Service, Appearance and Choice of Court
R316 - Service by Publication.

(b) Mailing to accompany publication in matrimonial actions. An order
for service of a summons by publication in a matrimonial action shall
also direct that on or before the first day of publication a copy of the
summons be mailed to the person to be served unless a place where such
person probably would receive mail cannot with due diligence be
ascertained and the court dispenses with such mailing. A notice of
publication shall be enclosed.
(c) Time of publication; when service complete. The first publication
of the summons shall be made within thirty days after the order is
granted. Service by publication is complete on the twenty-eighth day
after the day of first publication, except that in a matrimonial action
it is complete on the twenty-first day after the day of first

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

CVP - Civil Practice Law and Rules

Article 3 - Jurisdiction and Service, Appearance and Choice of Court

301 - Jurisdiction Over Persons, Property or Status.

302 - Personal Jurisdiction by Acts of Non-Domiciliaries.

303 - Designation of Attorney as Agent for Service.

304 - Method of Commencing Action or Special Proceeding.

R305 - Summons; Supplemental Summons, Amendment.

R306 - Proof of Service.

306-A - Index Number in an Action or Proceeding Commenced in Supreme or County Court.

306-B - Service of the Summons and Complaint, Summons With Notice, Third-Party Summons and Complaint, or Petition With a Notice of Petition or Order to Show Cause.

306-C - Notice of Commencement of Action for Personal Injuries by Recipient of Medical Assistance.

306-D - Additional Mailing of Notice in an Action Arising Out of a Consumer Credit Transaction.

307 - Personal Service Upon the State.

308 - Personal Service Upon a Natural Person.

309 - Personal Service Upon an Infant, Incompetent or Conservatee.

310 - Personal Service Upon a Partnership.

310-A - Personal Service Upon a Limited Partnership.

311 - Personal Service Upon a Corporation or Governmental Subdivision.

311-A - Personal Service on Limited Liability Companies.

312 - Personal Service Upon a Court, Board or Commission.

312-A - Personal Service by Mail.

313 - Service Without the State Giving Personal Jurisdiction.

314 - Service Without the State Not Giving Personal Jurisdiction in Certain Actions.

315 - Service by Publication Authorized.

R316 - Service by Publication.

317 - Defense by Person to Whom Summons Not Personally Delivered.

R318 - Designation of Agent for Service.

R320 - Defendant's Appearance.

321 - Attorneys.

R322 - Authority for Appearance of Attorney in Real Property Action.

325 - Grounds for Removal.

R326 - Procedure on Removal.

R327 - Inconvenient Forum.

R328 - Assistance to Tribunals and Litigants Outside the State.