(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a party has resided
or resides in a residential program for victims of domestic violence as
defined in section four hundred fifty-nine-a of the social services law,
the present address of such party and the address of the residential
program for victims of domestic violence shall not be revealed by the
court or any court personnel who may have access to such information.
(c) Upon such authorization, the court shall designate the clerk of
the court or such other disinterested person as it deems appropriate,
with consent of such disinterested person, as the agent for service of
process for the party whose residential and business addresses or
telephone numbers are to remain confidential and shall notify the
parties of such designation and the address of the agent in writing. The
clerk or disinterested person designated by the court shall, when served
with process on behalf of the party whose information is to remain
confidential, promptly notify such party whose information is to remain
confidential and forward such process to him or her in a manner
calculated to be timely received.
(d) In any case in which such confidentiality authorization is made,
the party whose information is to remain confidential shall inform the
clerk of the court or disinterested person designated by the court of
any change in address for purposes of receipt of service of process or
any papers.