New York Laws
Article 12 - Infants, Incompetents and Conservatees
R1202 - Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem.

(b) Notice of motion. Notice of a motion for appointment of a guardian
ad litem for a person shall be served upon the guardian of his property,
upon his committee or upon his conservator, or if he has no such
guardian, committee, or conservator, upon the person with whom he
resides. Notice shall also be served upon the person who would be
represented if he is more than fourteen years of age and has not been
judicially declared to be incompetent.
(c) Consent. No order appointing a guardian ad litem shall be
effective until a written consent of the proposed guardian has been
submitted to the court together with an affidavit stating facts showing
his ability to answer for any damage sustained by his negligence or