(b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the owner, harborer
or custodian of any horse freeze branded pursuant to this section shall
not be indemnified for any loss in value of such animal.
(c) The term "horse" as used throughout this section shall apply to
the entire family of equidae. The commissioner may by regulation exclude
from the provisions of this section horses within defined age
3. No person shall import or bring into the state any horse unless
such horse has been tested for equine infectious anemia and reacted
negatively within a period prior to entry, and in a manner, prescribed
by the commissioner in regulations.
4. No person shall transport on any public highway within this state
any horse unless such horse has been tested for equine infectious anemia
and reacted negatively within a period prior to such transportation, and
in a manner, prescribed by the commissioner in regulations.
5. No person shall sell, exchange, barter or give away any horse
unless such horse has been tested for equine infectious anemia and
reacted negatively within a period prior to such transfer of ownership,
and in a manner, prescribed by the commissioner in regulations.
6. Subdivisions three, four and five of this section shall not apply
to horses which are imported, sold, exchanged, bartered, given away or
transported under permit from the commissioner or his authorized agent
for immediate slaughter, research or such other purposes as the
commissioner finds are consistent with the control and eradication of
equine infectious anemia, as prescribed by the commissioner in
Structure New York Laws
72 - Control and Suppression of Disease.
72-A - Feeding of Garbage, Offal or Carcasses to Cattle, Swine or Poultry Prohibited.
73-A - Unlawful Sale of Tuberculous Cattle.
73-B - The New York State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.
74 - Regulations Relating to Importation.
76 - Quarantine on Animals or Premises.
77 - Examination by Veterinarian Prerequisite to Destruction of Animal.
78 - Examination of Domestic Animals.
79 - Examination at Request of Owner; Segregation; Grading of Herds.
80 - Certificate to Healthy Herds.
81 - Sale, Removal or Slaughter of Animals Affected With Tuberculosis.
83 - Appraisal of Diseased Animals.
85 - Destruction of Animals; Disposition of Carcasses.
86 - Post-Mortem Examination of Animals.
87 - Payments for Animals Killed.
87-A - Domestic Fowl and Fertile Eggs Thereof.
89 - Control of Vaccines, Serums and Other Preparations.
90 - Examination of Cattle for Bang's Disease.
90-A - Declaration of Policy and Purposes.
90-D - Application and Permit Fees.
90-E - Refusing and Revoking Permits.
91 - Hog Cholera and Pseudorabies Control; Indemnity.
95 - Protecting the Breeding of Pure Bred Stock.
95-A - Animal Ear Tags or Other Identification.
95-B - False Pedigree of Animals.