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72 - Control and Suppression of Disease. - § 72. Control and suppression of disease. 1. The commissioner...
72-A - Feeding of Garbage, Offal or Carcasses to Cattle, Swine or Poultry Prohibited. - § 72-a. Feeding of garbage, offal or carcasses to cattle,...
73 - Report of Disease. - § 73. Report of disease. Every person shall immediately report...
73-A - Unlawful Sale of Tuberculous Cattle. - § 73-a. Unlawful sale of tuberculous cattle. A person who...
73-B - The New York State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. - (a) evaluate domestic and wild animal populations for evidence of...
74 - Regulations Relating to Importation. - § 74. Regulations relating to importation. The following regulations shall...
75 - Sanitary Regulations. - § 75. Sanitary regulations. The commissioner may adopt and enforce...
76 - Quarantine on Animals or Premises. - § 76. Quarantine on animals or premises. 1. The commissioner,...
77 - Examination by Veterinarian Prerequisite to Destruction of Animal. - § 77. Examination by veterinarian prerequisite to destruction of animal....
78 - Examination of Domestic Animals. - § 78. Examination of domestic animals. 1. The commissioner shall...
79 - Examination at Request of Owner; Segregation; Grading of Herds. - § 79. Examination at request of owner; segregation; grading of...
80 - Certificate to Healthy Herds. - § 80. Certificate to healthy herds. For the purpose of...
81 - Sale, Removal or Slaughter of Animals Affected With Tuberculosis. - § 81. Sale, removal or slaughter of animals affected with...
82 - Appraisers. - § 82. Appraisers. The commissioner may employ from time to...
83 - Appraisal of Diseased Animals. - § 83. Appraisal of diseased animals. Each animal directed to...
85 - Destruction of Animals; Disposition of Carcasses. - § 85. Destruction of animals; disposition of carcasses. The commissioner...
86 - Post-Mortem Examination of Animals. - § 86. Post-mortem examination of animals. The carcass of every...
87 - Payments for Animals Killed. - § 87. Payments for animals killed. The commissioner shall determine...
87-A - Domestic Fowl and Fertile Eggs Thereof. - § 87-a. Domestic fowl and fertile eggs thereof. Domestic fowl...
88 - Indemnity. - § 88. Indemnity. The following provisions shall govern the payment...
89 - Control of Vaccines, Serums and Other Preparations. - (1) Such preparations used, sold, or given away in this...
90 - Examination of Cattle for Bang's Disease. - § 90. Examination of cattle for Bang's disease. 1. The...
90-A - Declaration of Policy and Purposes. - § 90-a. Declaration of policy and purposes. Infectious and communicable...
90-B - Definitions. - § 90-b. Definitions. As used in this article unless otherwise...
90-C - Prohibitions. - § 90-c. Prohibitions. 1. It shall be unlawful for any...
90-D - Application and Permit Fees. - § 90-d. Application and permit fees. Application for an animal...
90-E - Refusing and Revoking Permits. - § 90-e. Refusing and revoking permits. The commissioner after due...
90-F - Proceedings to Review. - § 90-f. Proceedings to review. The action of the commissioner...
90-G - Records. - § 90-g. Records. All records as now required by the...
90-H - Violations; Remedies. - § 90-h. Violations; remedies. The commissioner may institute such action...
91 - Hog Cholera and Pseudorabies Control; Indemnity. - § 91. Hog cholera and pseudorabies control; indemnity. 1. The...
95 - Protecting the Breeding of Pure Bred Stock. - § 95. Protecting the breeding of pure bred stock. It...
95-A - Animal Ear Tags or Other Identification. - § 95-a. Animal ear tags or other identification. A person...
95-B - False Pedigree of Animals. - § 95-b. False pedigree of animals. Every person who by...
95-C - Examination of Horses for Equine Infectious Anemia. - (b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the owner, harborer...
96 - Certificates of Registry of Domestic Animals. - § 96. Certificates of registry of domestic animals. Certificates of...