New York Laws
Article 19 - Medical and Health Service
906 - Existence of Communicable Diseases; Return After Illness.

ยง 906. Existence of communicable diseases; return after illness. 1.
Whenever, upon investigation and evaluation by the director of school
health services or other health professionals acting upon direction or
referral of such director for care and treatment, a student in the
public schools shows symptoms of any communicable or infectious disease
reportable under the public health law that imposes a significant risk
of infection of others in the school, he or she shall be excluded from
the school and sent home immediately, in a safe and proper conveyance.
The director of school health services shall immediately notify a local
public health agency of any disease reportable under the public health

2. Following absence on account of illness or from unknown cause, the
director of school health services may examine each student returning to
a school without a certificate from a local public health officer, a
duly licensed physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner.

3. The director of school health services, or other health
professionals acting upon direction or referral of such director, may
make such evaluations of teachers and any other school employees, school
buildings and premises as, in their discretion, they may deem necessary
to protect the health of the students and staff.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

EDN - Education

Title 1 - General Provisions

Article 19 - Medical and Health Service

901 - School Health Services to Be Provided.

902 - Employment of Health Professionals.

902-A - Treatment of Students Diagnosed With Diabetes by School Personnel.

902-B - Treatment by Licensed School Personnel of Students Diagnosed With Allergies.

903 - Students to Furnish Health Certificates; and Dental Health Certificates.

904 - Examinations by Health Appraisal.

905 - Record of Screening Examinations for Vision, Hearing and Scoliosis.

906 - Existence of Communicable Diseases; Return After Illness.

907 - Use of Sunscreen.

908 - Prohibition Against Meal Shaming.

909 - School Hygiene Districts.

910 - Choice of Method of Treatment.

911 - Enforcement.

912 - Health and Welfare Services to All Children.

912-A - Urine Analysis; Drug Detection.

912-B - Speech and Language Improvement Services.

913 - Medical Examinations of Teachers and Other Employees.

914 - Immunization of Children.

915 - Prohibiting the Sale of Certain Sweetened Foods.

916 - Pupils With Asthma or Another Respiratory Disease Requiring Rescue Inhaler Treatment.

916-A - Pupils With Allergies.

916-B - Pupils With Diabetes.

917 - On-Site Cardiac Automated External Defibrillator.

918 - School District Nutrition Advisory Committees.

919 - On-Site Nebulizers.

920 - Public Schools; Infestation of Bedbugs (Cimex Lectularius).

921 - Training of Unlicensed School Personnel to Administer Certain Medications.

921-A - On-Site Epinephrine Auto-Injector.

922 - Opiod Overdose Prevention.

923 - Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

924 - Ingredient and Nutritional Information Requirements.

925 - Community Eligibility Provision State Subsidy.