ยง 81. Additional powers. Every such corporation shall have power:
1. To make such examinations and surveys as it may deem necessary for
the selection of the most advantageous route, and for such purpose by
its officers, agents or servants to enter upon the lands or waters of
any person, subject to liability for all damage done thereto.
2. To lay out its route not exceeding fifty feet in width, but at the
termini of such route and at all receiving and discharging points and at
all places where machinery may properly be set up for the operation of
such pipe line to take such additional land as may be necessary.
3. To convey through pipes any property, substance or product capable
of transportation therein by means of any force, power or mechanical
agency, and to erect and maintain all necessary and convenient
buildings, stations, fixtures and machinery for the purposes of its
4. To regulate the time and manner in which property shall be conveyed
through its pipe lines, and the compensation to be paid, but such
compensation shall not be at a rate in excess of twenty-five cents per
one hundred miles for the transportation of forty-two gallons of any
product conveyed through lines of one hundred miles in length or over,
which shall be reckoned and adjusted upon the quantity or number of
gallons delivered by such corporation.
Structure New York Laws
TCP - Transportation Corporations
Article 7 - Pipe Line Corporations.
81-A - Misconduct of Officers and Agents of Pipe-Line Corporations.
83 - Condemnation of Real Property.
84 - Railroad and Highway Crossings.
85 - Construction Across and Along Canals, Rivers and Creeks.
86 - Consent of Local Authorities.
87 - Construction Through Villages and Cities.
88 - Over Indian Reservations.
90 - Use of Line to Be Public; Storage; Liable as Common Carrier; Rates and Charges.
91 - Receipts for Property; Cancellation of Vouchers; Delivery of Property.