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80 - Definitions. - § 80. Definitions. 1. A pipe line corporation is a...
81 - Additional Powers. - § 81. Additional powers. Every such corporation shall have power:...
81-A - Misconduct of Officers and Agents of Pipe-Line Corporations. - § 81-a. Misconduct of officers and agents of pipe-line corporations....
82 - Location of Route. - § 82. Location of route. Before commencing the construction of...
83 - Condemnation of Real Property. - § 83. Condemnation of real property. In case such corporation...
84 - Railroad and Highway Crossings. - § 84. Railroad and highway crossings. Whenever it shall be...
85 - Construction Across and Along Canals, Rivers and Creeks. - § 85. Construction across and along canals, rivers and creeks....
86 - Consent of Local Authorities. - § 86. Consent of local authorities. No pipe lines shall...
87 - Construction Through Villages and Cities. - § 87. Construction through villages and cities. No pipe line...
88 - Over Indian Reservations. - § 88. Over Indian reservations. Such corporations may contract with...
89 - Over State Lands. - § 89. Over state lands. The commissioner of general services...
90 - Use of Line to Be Public; Storage; Liable as Common Carrier; Rates and Charges. - § 90. Use of line to be public; storage; liable...
91 - Receipts for Property; Cancellation of Vouchers; Delivery of Property. - § 91. Receipts for property; cancellation of vouchers; delivery of...
92 - Semi-Annual Statements. - § 92. Semi-annual statements. Every such corporation shall make a...
93 - Fences; Farm Crossings and Use of Line Not Inclosed. - § 93. Fences; farm crossings and use of line not...