A future estate vested subject to complete defeasance is an estate
created in favor of one or more ascertained persons in being, which
would become an estate in possession upon the expiration of the
preceding estates, but may end or may be terminated as provided by the
creator at, before or after the expiration of such preceding estates.
Structure New York Laws
EPT - Estates, Powers and Trusts
Article 6 - Classification, Creation, Definition Of, and Rules Governing Estates in Property
6-4.1 - Definition of an Estate in Possession
6-4.2 - Definition of a Future Estate
6-4.3 - Definition of a Remainder
6-4.4 - Definition of a Reversion
6-4.5 - Definition of a Possibility of Reverter
6-4.6 - Definition of a Right of Reacquisition
6-4.7 - Definition of a Future Estate Indefeasibly Vested
6-4.8 - Definition of a Future Estate Vested Subject to Open
6-4.9 - Definition of a Future Estate Vested Subject to Complete Defeasance
6-4.10 - Definition of a Future Estate Subject to a Condition Precedent