New York Laws
Article 29-F - Going Out of Business Sales
581 - Definitions.

(b) The term "sale of goods damaged by fire, smoke or water" shall
include, but not be limited to, all sales advertised, represented or
held forth under the designation of "fire sale," "smoke damage sale,"
"water damage sale," "flood damage sale," "insurance sale," or any other
advertising or designation by any other expression or characterization
similar to any of the foregoing giving notice to the public that the
goods, wares or merchandise offered for sale have been damaged.
(c) The term "defunct business sale" shall include, but not be limited
to, all sales advertised, represented or held forth under the
designation of "adjuster's sale," "administrator's sale," "assignee's
sale," "bankrupt sale," "bankrupt stock sale," "benefit of
administrator's sale," "benefit of creditor's sale," "benefit of
trustee's sale," "creditor's committee sale," "creditor's sale,"
"executor's sale," "insolvent sale," "mortgage sale," "receiver's sale,"
"trustee's sale," or any other advertising or designation by any other
expression or characterization similar to any of the foregoing conveying
the same meaning or giving notice to the public of a sale resulting from
death, business failure, or other adversity.
(d) "Unusual purchase or addition" shall mean any purchase of goods,
wares or merchandise during the ninety days preceding the application
for a license, the total value of which is at least twenty-five per cent
greater than purchases made by the applicant for a like ninety-day
period during the year next preceding the year in which the application
is made or the total value of which is at least twenty-five per cent
greater than the purchases made by the applicant for any ninety-day
period if the applicant has been in business for less than one year.
(e) "Person" shall mean any individual, partnership, association, firm
or corporation.
(f) "Licensee" shall mean any person granted a license pursuant to the
provisions of this article.
(g) "Licensing authority" shall mean that department or officer of any
city, town or village established for the specific purpose of issuing
licenses, and where there is no such department or officer, it shall
mean the clerk of such city, town or village.