ยง 543. Adverse possession; how affected by acts across a boundary
line. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, the
existence of de minimus non-structural encroachments including, but not
limited to, fences, hedges, shrubbery, plantings, sheds and
non-structural walls, shall be deemed to be permissive and non-adverse.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, the acts of
lawn mowing or similar maintenance across the boundary line of an
adjoining landowner's property shall be deemed permissive and
Structure New York Laws
RPA - Real Property Actions and Proceedings
Article 5 - Adverse Possession
501 - Adverse Possession; Defined.
511 - Adverse Possession Under Written Instrument or Judgment.
512 - Essentials of Adverse Possession Under Written Instrument or Judgment.
521 - Adverse Possession Not Under Written Instrument or Judgment.
522 - Essentials of Adverse Possession Not Under Written Instrument or Judgment.
531 - Adverse Possession, How Affected by Relation of Landlord and Tenant.
541 - Adverse Possession, How Affected by Relation of Tenants in Common.
543 - Adverse Possession; How Affected by Acts Across a Boundary Line.
551 - Right of Person to Possession Not Affected by Descent Cast.