ยง 520. Duration. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter
or of any other law, effective January first, nineteen hundred
seventy-seven, all benefits provided by a public retirement system of
the state shall continue with respect to members to which this article
is applicable only until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-three.
Structure New York Laws
RSS - Retirement and Social Security
Article 14 - Coordinated-Escalator Retirement Plan
502 - Eligibility for Sevice Retirement Benefits; Minimum Service Requirements.
503 - Eligibility for Normal and Early Service Retirement Benefits; Age and Service Requirements.
504 - Service Retirement Benefits; General Members.
504-C - Supplemental Retirement Allowance.
504-D - Twenty-Year Retirement Program for New York City Correction Members.
506 - Ordinary Disability Benefits.
507 - Accidental Disability Benefits.
507-A - Disability Retirement.
507-B - Performance of Duty Disability Retirement.
507-C - Performance of Duty Disability Retirement; New York City Department of Correction.
507-E - Uniformed Court Officers and Peace Officers; Certain Disabilities.
507-F - Accidental Disability Retirement; Westchester County District Attorney Investigators.
507-I - Disability Benefits; Westchester County District Attorney Investigators.
508-A - Death Benefit for Vested Members Who Die Prior to Retirement.
508-B - Death Benefit for Deputy Sheriffs Employed by Nassau County.
508-B*2 - Death Benefits for Correction Officers Employed by Nassau County.
508-B*3 - Death Benefits for Correction Officers Employed by Suffolk County.
508-B*4 - Death Benefits for Deputy Sheriffs Employed by Suffolk County.
508-C - Death Benefits for Fire Marshals Employed by Nassau County.
509 - Accidental Death Benefits.
511 - Coordination With Social Security Benefits.
515 - Optional Retirement Program.
517-A - Termination of Membership.
517-B - Loans to Members of a Teachers' Retirement System.
517-C - Loans to Members of Certain Retirement Systems.