New York Laws
Article 14 - Coordinated-Escalator Retirement Plan
518 - Election of Coverage Under Article.

§ 518. Election of coverage under article. a. Except as provided in
subdivision c hereof, a member of a public retirement system of the
state on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred seventy-six who is not subject
to the provisions of article eleven of this chapter may elect to become
subject to this article by submitting such election on or before June
first, nineteen hundred seventy-eight. An election hereunder shall be
made in the form and manner prescribed in rules and regulations
promulgated by the head of the retirement system to which such member
belongs at the time of election. Such election shall be irrevocable
thirty days after it is received by the system involved. Provided,
however, that an election may not be made by any employee who is not
employed by a participating employer, or who is employed by a
participating employer described in subdivision c of section five
hundred of this article.

b. Contributions made by a member prior to an election pursuant to
subdivision a of this section, together with any interest thereon
through the date of election, shall thereafter become subject to the
provisions of section five hundred seventeen of this article.

c. On and after the date on which this act shall take effect, no
member of a public retirement system of the state shall elect to become
subject to this article.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

RSS - Retirement and Social Security

Article 14 - Coordinated-Escalator Retirement Plan

500 - Application.

501 - Definitions.

502 - Eligibility for Sevice Retirement Benefits; Minimum Service Requirements.

503 - Eligibility for Normal and Early Service Retirement Benefits; Age and Service Requirements.

504 - Service Retirement Benefits; General Members.

504-A - Twenty-Year Retirement Program for New York City Correction Members Below the Rank of Captain.

504-B - Twenty-Year Retirement Program for New York City Correction Members of the Rank of Captain or Above.

504-C - Supplemental Retirement Allowance.

504-D - Twenty-Year Retirement Program for New York City Correction Members.

505 - Service Retirement Benefits; Police/fire Members, New York City Uniformed Correction/sanitation Revised Plan Members and Investigator Revised Plan Members.

506 - Ordinary Disability Benefits.

507 - Accidental Disability Benefits.

507-A - Disability Retirement.

507-B - Performance of Duty Disability Retirement.

507-C - Performance of Duty Disability Retirement; New York City Department of Correction.

507-D - Disability Benefits.

507-E - Uniformed Court Officers and Peace Officers; Certain Disabilities.

507-F - Accidental Disability Retirement; Westchester County District Attorney Investigators.

507-G - Payment of Both Pensions for Accident and Other Benefits Prohibited; Westchester County District Attorney Investigators.

507-H - Retirement for Disability Incurred in Performance of Duty; Westchester County District Attorney Investigators.

507-I - Disability Benefits; Westchester County District Attorney Investigators.

508 - Death Benefits.

508-A - Death Benefit for Vested Members Who Die Prior to Retirement.

508-B - Death Benefit for Deputy Sheriffs Employed by Nassau County.

508-B*2 - Death Benefits for Correction Officers Employed by Nassau County.

508-B*3 - Death Benefits for Correction Officers Employed by Suffolk County.

508-B*4 - Death Benefits for Deputy Sheriffs Employed by Suffolk County.

508-C - Death Benefits for Fire Marshals Employed by Nassau County.

509 - Accidental Death Benefits.

509-A - Covid-19 Benefit.

510 - Escalation of Benefits.

511 - Coordination With Social Security Benefits.

512 - Final Average Salary.

513 - Credit for Service.

514 - Options.

515 - Optional Retirement Program.

516 - Vesting.

517 - Member Contributions.

517-A - Termination of Membership.

517-B - Loans to Members of a Teachers' Retirement System.

517-C - Loans to Members of Certain Retirement Systems.

518 - Election of Coverage Under Article.

519 - Effect of Other Laws.

520 - Duration.