ยง 43. Panels; referees. 1. The commission may delegate any of its
functions, powers and duties to a panel of three of its members, one of
whom shall be a member of the bar, except that no panel shall confer
immunity in accordance with section 50.20 of the criminal procedure law.
No panel shall be authorized to take any action pursuant to subdivisions
four through eight of section forty-four of this article or subdivision
two of this section.
2. The commission may designate a member of the bar who is not a judge
or a member of the commission or its staff as a referee to hear and
report to the commission in accordance with the provisions of section
forty-four of this article. Such referee shall be empowered to conduct
hearings, administer oaths or affirmations, subpoena witnesses, compel
their attendance, examine them under oath or affirmation and require the
production of any books, records, documents or other evidence that the
referee may deem relevant or material to the subject of the hearing.
Structure New York Laws
Article 2-A - State Commission on Judicial Conduct
41 - State Commission on Judicial Conduct; Organization.
42 - Functions; Powers and Duties.
44 - Complaint; Investigation; Hearing and Disposition.
45 - Confidentiality of Records.
46 - Breach of Confidentiality of Commission Information.
47 - Resignation Not to Divest Commission or Court of Appeals of Jurisdiction.
48 - Courts on the Judiciary; Former Commission on Judicial Conduct; Jurisdiction and Powers.