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40 - Definitions. - § 40. Definitions. For the purposes of this article the...
40-A - Recycled Products. - § 40-a. Recycled products. All products purchased by the courts...
41 - State Commission on Judicial Conduct; Organization. - § 41. State commission on judicial conduct; organization. 1. A...
42 - Functions; Powers and Duties. - § 42. Functions; powers and duties. The commission shall have...
43 - Panels; Referees. - § 43. Panels; referees. 1. The commission may delegate any...
44 - Complaint; Investigation; Hearing and Disposition. - (b) Upon the recommendation of the commission or on its...
45 - Confidentiality of Records. - (a) to the commission on judicial nomination established by article...
46 - Breach of Confidentiality of Commission Information. - § 46. Breach of confidentiality of commission information. 1. Any...
47 - Resignation Not to Divest Commission or Court of Appeals of Jurisdiction. - § 47. Resignation not to divest commission or court of...
48 - Courts on the Judiciary; Former Commission on Judicial Conduct; Jurisdiction and Powers. - § 48. Courts on the judiciary; former commission on judicial...