New York Laws
Article 4 - Proceedings Preliminary to Registration, Enrollment and Elections
4-128 - Supplies; Furnished by Board of Elections or City, Town or Village Clerk.

ยง 4-128. Supplies; furnished by board of elections or city, town or
village clerk. 1. The board of elections of each county shall provide
the requisite number of official and facsimile ballots, two cards of
instruction to voters in the form prescribed by the state board of
elections, at least one copy of the instruction booklet for inspectors,
a sufficient number of maps, street finders or other descriptions of all
of the polling places and election districts within the political
subdivision in which the polling place is located to enable the election
inspectors and poll clerks to determine the correct election district
and polling place for each street address within the political
subdivision in which the polling place is located, distance markers,
tally sheets and return blanks, pens, pencils, or other appropriate
marking devices, envelopes for the ballots of voters whose registration
poll records are not in the ledger or whose names are not in the
computer generated registration list, envelopes for returns,
identification buttons, badges or emblems for the inspectors and clerks
in the form prescribed by the state board of elections and such other
articles of stationery as may be necessary for the proper conduct of
elections, except that when a town, city or village holds an election
not conducted by the board of elections, the clerk of such town, city or
village, shall provide such official and facsimile ballots and the
necessary blanks, supplies and stationery for such election.

2. If the official ballots required to be furnished by any board or
officer shall not be delivered to such board or officer at the time
required, or if after delivery shall be lost, destroyed or stolen, such
board or officer shall cause other ballots to be prepared as nearly in
the form of the official ballots as practicable, and delivered to the
inspectors of election. Such ballots shall be known as unofficial
ballots. Sample ballots of each kind shall be printed on paper of a
different color from any of the official ballots and without numbers on
the stubs, but in all other respects precisely similar to the official

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

ELN - Election

Article 4 - Proceedings Preliminary to Registration, Enrollment and Elections

4-100 - Election Districts; Creation and Alteration.

4-102 - Maps; Congressional, Senatorial, Assembly and Election Districts.

4-104 - Registration and Polling Places; Designation Of.

4-106 - Certification of Offices to Be Filled at General or Special Elections; State Board of Elections, County, City, Village and Town Clerks.

4-108 - Certification of Proposed Constitutional Amendments and Questions.

4-110 - Certification of Primary Election Candidates; State Board of Elections.

4-112 - Certification of Nominations; State Board of Elections.

4-114 - Determination of Candidates and Questions; County Board of Elections.

4-116 - Constitutional Amendments and Questions; Publication of by State Board of Elections and Secretary of State.

4-117 - Check of Registrants and Information Notice by Mail.

4-118 - Notice of Primary Election; Publication of by Board of Elections.

4-119 - Publication of List of Places for Registration.

4-120 - Notices of General, Village and Special Elections; Publication Of.

4-122 - Lists of Nomination; Publication of by Board of Elections.

4-123 - Publication of Candidate Websites.

4-124 - City of New York; Publications Within Made Necessary by This Law.

4-126 - Delivery of Election Laws to Clerks, Boards and Election Officers.

4-128 - Supplies; Furnished by Board of Elections or City, Town or Village Clerk.

4-130 - Supplies for Registration; Manner and Time of Delivery.

4-132 - Polling Places; Equipment For.

4-134 - Preparation and Delivery of Ballots, Supplies and Equipment for Use at Elections.

4-136 - Election Expenses; Payment Of.

4-138 - Expenses of Boards of Elections Outside New York City; Apportionment Of.