New York Laws
Article 4 - Proceedings Preliminary to Registration, Enrollment and Elections
4-112 - Certification of Nominations; State Board of Elections.

ยง 4-112. Certification of nominations; state board of elections. 1.
The state board of elections, not later than fifty-five days before a
general election, fifty-three days before a special election, or
twenty-four days before a special election held pursuant to paragraph b
of subdivision three of section forty-two of the public officers law,
shall certify to each county board of elections the name and residence
of each candidate nominated in any valid certificate filed with it or by
the returns canvassed by it, the title of the office for which
nominated; the name of the party or body specified of which he or she is
a candidate; and a notation as to whether or not any litigation is
pending concerning the candidacy. Upon the completion of any such
litigation, the state board of elections shall forthwith notify the
appropriate county boards of elections of the results of such

2. The state board of elections, not later than seven days before the
general election, shall certify to each county board of elections the
name and residence of each write-in candidate for president and vice
president of the United States who has filed a valid certificate of
candidacy with it.

3. If a certificate of a nomination to fill a vacancy caused by death
or disqualification is filed with the state board of elections, or a
court order shall change a nomination, after the state board has made
its certifications to the county boards of elections, the state board
shall transmit forthwith a statement of such nomination to the
appropriate boards of elections.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

ELN - Election

Article 4 - Proceedings Preliminary to Registration, Enrollment and Elections

4-100 - Election Districts; Creation and Alteration.

4-102 - Maps; Congressional, Senatorial, Assembly and Election Districts.

4-104 - Registration and Polling Places; Designation Of.

4-106 - Certification of Offices to Be Filled at General or Special Elections; State Board of Elections, County, City, Village and Town Clerks.

4-108 - Certification of Proposed Constitutional Amendments and Questions.

4-110 - Certification of Primary Election Candidates; State Board of Elections.

4-112 - Certification of Nominations; State Board of Elections.

4-114 - Determination of Candidates and Questions; County Board of Elections.

4-116 - Constitutional Amendments and Questions; Publication of by State Board of Elections and Secretary of State.

4-117 - Check of Registrants and Information Notice by Mail.

4-118 - Notice of Primary Election; Publication of by Board of Elections.

4-119 - Publication of List of Places for Registration.

4-120 - Notices of General, Village and Special Elections; Publication Of.

4-122 - Lists of Nomination; Publication of by Board of Elections.

4-123 - Publication of Candidate Websites.

4-124 - City of New York; Publications Within Made Necessary by This Law.

4-126 - Delivery of Election Laws to Clerks, Boards and Election Officers.

4-128 - Supplies; Furnished by Board of Elections or City, Town or Village Clerk.

4-130 - Supplies for Registration; Manner and Time of Delivery.

4-132 - Polling Places; Equipment For.

4-134 - Preparation and Delivery of Ballots, Supplies and Equipment for Use at Elections.

4-136 - Election Expenses; Payment Of.

4-138 - Expenses of Boards of Elections Outside New York City; Apportionment Of.