New York Laws
Part 1 - Compulsory Education
3232 - Courts Having Jurisdiction.

§ 3232. Courts having jurisdiction. 1. Courts sitting as courts of
special sessions or as magistrates' courts shall have concurrent
jurisdiction with family courts to hear, try and determine charges of
violation of the provisions of part one of this article, within their
respective jurisdiction. In the counties of Cortland and Westchester
and in the city of New York family courts shall have exclusive original
jurisdiction in such proceedings. Notwithstanding other provisions of
law, family courts shall have jurisdiction, for the purposes of part one
of this article, of minors.

2. A prosecution instituted under the provisions of part one of this
article shall be deemed a bar to a prosecution under the labor law based
on the same state of facts.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

EDN - Education

Title 4 - Teachers and Pupils

Article 65 - Compulsory Education and School Census

Part 1 - Compulsory Education

3201 - Discrimination on Account of Race, Creed, Color or National Origin Prohibited.

3201-A - Discrimination on Account of Sex.

3202 - Public Schools Free to Resident Pupils; Tuition From Nonresident Pupils.

3203 - Selection of School for Attendance of Children When District Line Intersects a Dwelling.

3204 - Instruction Required.

3205 - Attendance of Minors Upon Full Time Day Instruction.

3206 - Attendance of Minors Upon Part Time Instruction.

3207 - Attendance Upon Evening Instruction.

3207-A - Service of Persons Seventeen Years of Age as Election Inspectors or Poll Clerks.

3208 - Attendance; Screening of the New Entrants; Prohibition Against Mandatory Medication.

3208-A - Special Proceeding to Determine Physical Capacity of Student to Participate in Athletic Programs.

3209 - Education of Homeless Children.

3209-A - Child Abuse Prevention.

3210 - Amount and Character of Required Attendance.

3211 - Records of Attendance Upon Instruction.

3211-A - Reports of Reading Tests.

3212 - Definition of Persons in Parental Relation and Their Duties; Duties of Certain Other Persons.

3212-A - Records of Telephone Numbers.

3213 - Supervisors of Attendance; Attendance Teachers; Attendance Officers; Appointment, Compensation, Powers and Duties.

3214 - Student Placement, Suspensions and Transfers.

3215 - Unlawful Employment.

3215-A - General Certification Provisions.

3216 - Employment Certificates.

3217 - Procedure for Issuance of Employment Certificates.

3218 - Evidence of Age.

3219 - Consent of Parent or Guardian.

3220 - Certificate of Physical Fitness.

3221 - Pledge of Employment.

3222 - Schooling Record.

3223 - Duties of Employers.

3224 - Temporary Services.

3225 - Special Employment Certificate.

3226 - Farm Work Permits.

3227 - Street Trades.

3228 - Newspaper Carrier.

3230 - School District Meetings and Activities.

3232 - Courts Having Jurisdiction.

3233 - Penalties.

3234 - Enforcement; Withholding State Moneys by Commissioner of Education.