(a) "change of use" means the transfer of title to all or part of such
brownfield site, the erection of any structure on such site, the
creation of a park or other public or private recreational facility on
such site, or any activity that is likely to disrupt or expose
contamination or to increase direct human exposure; or any other conduct
that will or may tend to significantly interfere with an ongoing or
completed remedial program at such site and the continued ability to
implement the engineering and institutional controls associated with
such site.
(b) "complete notice" means a notice that adequately apprises the
department of the contemplated change of use of such site and how such
change of use may affect the site's proposed, ongoing, or completed
remedial program.
Structure New York Laws
ENV - Environmental Conservation
Article 27 - Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Refuse and Other Solid Waste
Title 14 - Brownfield Cleanup Program
27-1403 - Declaration of Policy and Findings of Fact.
27-1407 - Request for Participation.
27-1409 - Brownfield Site Cleanup Agreement.
27-1411 - Work Plan Requirements.
27-1413 - Alternatives Analysis.
27-1415 - Remedial Program Requirements.
27-1417 - Citizen Participation.
27-1419 - Certification of Completion.
27-1420 - Brownfield Cleanup Program Report.
27-1421 - Liability Limitation.
27-1433 - Waiver of Interest or Penalties or Other Charges on Brownfield Properties.