(b) the victim is identifiable from the still or video image itself or
from information displayed in connection with the still or video image;
(c) the victim suffered physical injury as a result of a sex offense
as defined by article one hundred thirty of this part, serious physical
injury as a result of any non-sex offense, or death, and this injury or
death is depicted in the image; and
(d) the actor committed, participated in the commission of, or
conspired to commit the crime that resulted in such injury to such
victim; or
2. acting as an agent of the actor who created an image in violation
of subdivision one of this section, he or she knowingly disseminates or
publishes such image.
Unlawful dissemination of a personal image in the second degree is a
class A misdemeanor.
Structure New York Laws
Title N - Offenses Against Public Order, Public Sensibilities and the Right to Privacy
Article 250 - Offenses Against the Right to Privacy
250.00 - Eavesdropping; Definitions of Terms.
250.10 - Possession of Eavesdropping Devices.
250.15 - Failure to Report Wiretapping.
250.20 - Divulging an Eavesdropping Warrant.
250.25 - Tampering With Private Communications.
250.30 - Unlawfully Obtaining Communications Information.
250.35 - Failing to Report Criminal Communications.
250.40 - Unlawful Surveillance; Definitions.
250.45 - Unlawful Surveillance in the Second Degree.
250.50 - Unlawful Surveillance in the First Degree.
250.55 - Dissemination of an Unlawful Surveillance Image in the Second Degree.
250.60 - Dissemination of an Unlawful Surveillance Image in the First Degree.
250.65 - Additional Provisions.
250.70 - Unlawful Dissemination of a Personal Image; Definitions, Application.