A person is guilty of dissemination of an unlawful surveillance image
in the second degree when he or she, with knowledge of the unlawful
conduct by which an image or images of the sexual or other intimate
parts of another person or persons were obtained and such unlawful
conduct would satisfy the essential elements of the crime of unlawful
surveillance in the first or second degree, as defined, respectively, in
section 250.50 or 250.45 of this article, intentionally disseminates
such image or images.
Dissemination of an unlawful surveillance image in the second degree
is a class A misdemeanor.
Structure New York Laws
Title N - Offenses Against Public Order, Public Sensibilities and the Right to Privacy
Article 250 - Offenses Against the Right to Privacy
250.00 - Eavesdropping; Definitions of Terms.
250.10 - Possession of Eavesdropping Devices.
250.15 - Failure to Report Wiretapping.
250.20 - Divulging an Eavesdropping Warrant.
250.25 - Tampering With Private Communications.
250.30 - Unlawfully Obtaining Communications Information.
250.35 - Failing to Report Criminal Communications.
250.40 - Unlawful Surveillance; Definitions.
250.45 - Unlawful Surveillance in the Second Degree.
250.50 - Unlawful Surveillance in the First Degree.
250.55 - Dissemination of an Unlawful Surveillance Image in the Second Degree.
250.60 - Dissemination of an Unlawful Surveillance Image in the First Degree.
250.65 - Additional Provisions.
250.70 - Unlawful Dissemination of a Personal Image; Definitions, Application.