New York Laws
Title 2 - Fire Protection
236 - Stairs in Fireproof Tenements.

ยง 236. Stairs in fireproof tenements. 1. Except as in this section
otherwise provided, every fireproof tenement erected after May
fifteenth, nineteen hundred two, containing more than thirty-six
apartments or suites of rooms above the entrance story shall have an
additional stair for every additional thirty-six apartments or suites or
fraction thereof.

2. If such a tenement contains not more than forty-eight apartments or
suites above the entrance story, in lieu of an additional stair the
stairs, stair halls and entrance halls throughout the entire tenement
may each be at least one-half wider than is specified in sections two
hundred thirty-four, two hundred thirty-seven and two hundred

3. If such a tenement contains more than seventy-two apartments or
suites but not more than eighty-four above the entrance story, in lieu
of three stairs there may be only two stairs, provided that one of such
stairs and the stair and entrance halls connected therewith are at least
one-half wider than is specified in sections two hundred thirty-four,
two hundred thirty-seven and two hundred thirty-eight.

4. For the purposes of this section a janitor's apartment in a
penthouse shall not be construed as an additional apartment.

5. The number of apartments on any story in any fireproof tenement may
be altered, if the number of living rooms on such story is not increased
by more than thirty per centum. If the number of living rooms on any
story or section thereof above the entrance story exceeds thirty, there
shall be an additional stair for each thirty rooms or fraction thereof
on any such story or section thereof, except that if the number of
living rooms on any such story or section does not exceed forty, in lieu
of an additional stair one stair and every public hall connected
therewith may be at least one-half wider than is specified in sections
two hundred thirty-four, two hundred thirty-seven and two hundred
thirty-eight; but in every such tenement erected before May sixteenth,
nineteen hundred thirteen, and altered as herein permitted, the
occupants of each additional apartment shall have access to at least two
independent means of egress, which shall be made to conform to the
requirements of section two hundred thirty-one for fireproof tenements
erected after such date.

6. Whenever the total number of rooms, exclusive of bathrooms,
water-closet compartments, and cooking spaces less than eighty square
feet in area, in any fireproof tenement or section thereof is decreased
through the process of an alteration, the number of apartments may be
altered and the provisions of this section which relate to additional
stairs shall not be applicable.