New York Laws
Article 22 - Stay, Motions, Orders and Mandates
2212 - Where Motion Made, in Supreme Court Action.

(b) Ex parte motions. A motion in an action in the supreme court that
may be made without notice may be made at a motion term or to a justice
out of court in any county in the state.
(c) Motions before a county court or judge. The chief administrator of
the courts may by rule provide for the hearing of motions on notice or
ex parte motions in an action or proceeding in the supreme court by a
term of the county court or a county judge in the county in which venue
is laid during periods in which no supreme court trial or special term
is in session in the county.
(d) Rules of the chief administrator of the courts. The chief
administrator may by rule exclude motions within a department, district
or county from the operation of subdivisions (a),(b) and (c) of this
section, provided, however, that the practice in counties within the
city of New York shall be uniform.