ยง 21-c. Passenger stations of railroad redevelopment corporations in
certain cities. 1. Each city having a population of more than one
million may from time to time contract with a railroad redevelopment
corporation providing passenger service by rail to or from any passenger
station within such city and currently certified by the state
commissioner of transportation as eligible to receive the exemptions
provided by title two-b of the real property tax law to reimburse such
corporation for all or part of the costs incurred by it in the operation
and maintenance of one or more such stations, owned or used by it,
including the buildings, appurtenances, platforms, land and approaches
incidental or adjacent thereto, provided, however, that such contract
shall contain provisions pursuant to which:
a. The corporation agrees for the term of such contract not to
discontinue all passenger or all freight service, or petition any
regulatory agency having jurisdiction in respect thereof for permission
to discontinue all passenger or all freight service, to or from such
stations without the consent of such city;
b. The corporation agrees for the term of such contract to continue
the operation and maintenance of such existing facilities or portions
thereof as may be required in the public interest for the sale of
passenger tickets and the handling of baggage mail and freight at such
c. The corporation shall use the portions of any such station which
are not required for the sale of passenger tickets, the handling of
baggage, mail and freight or its railroad operations for public purposes
or for uses generally available to or serving the general public,
including but not limited to access to the railroad and related
services, facilities for the convenience and comfort of the general
public, the parking of vehicles, public assembly, recreation, cultural
activities, shelter, and terminal facilities for other modes of
transportation; and
d. Such contract shall expire not later than the first day of July
next succeeding its effective date.
Any contract made pursuant to this section may contain such other
terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the foregoing, as the city
and the corporation may agree.
2. Reimbursement of the costs of maintenance and operation of such
stations, and reimbursement of any part thereof, are hereby declared
city purposes and the cost thereof shall be a city charge to be paid
from city funds annually appropriated, raised and expended for city
purposes in the manner provided by law.
3. Any contract made pursuant to this section shall be authorized by
the board of estimate of such city by resolution and shall require the
separate approval of the mayor of such city. Such resolution may be
amended from time to time.
4. Each city entering into a contract pursuant to this section shall
file a copy thereof within ten days of its execution with the director
of the state office of transportation.
Structure New York Laws
Article 2-A - Powers of Cities
20 - Grant of Specific Powers.
20-A - Purchasing Department or Agency.
20-B - Cities Authorized to Impose Taxes on Utilities.
20-C - Temporary Investment of Certain City Funds in Obligations of the United States.
20-E - State Office Buildings and Other Public Improvements in Certain Cities.
20-F - Transfer of Development Rights; Definitions; Conditions; Procedures.
20-G - Intermunicipal Cooperation in Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Regulation.
21 - Public or Municipal Purpose and General Welfare Defined.
21-B - Debt Service in Relation to Certain Municipal Cooperative Activities.
21-C - Passenger Stations of Railroad Redevelopment Corporations in Certain Cities.
21-D - Establishment of Blood Credit Systems by Cities.
21-E - Operating Assistance for Water-Works Corporations in Certain Cities.
21-F - Operating Assistance for Certain Public Utility Services.
22 - This Grant in Addition to Existing Powers.