ยง 19. General grant of powers. 1. Every city is granted power to
regulate, manage and control its property and local affairs and is
granted all the rights, privileges and jurisdiction necessary and proper
for carrying such power into execution. No enumeration of powers in this
or any other law shall operate to restrict the meaning of this general
grant of power, or to exclude other powers comprehended within this
general grant.
2. Whenever the constitutionality of any local law, ordinance, rule or
regulation of a city is brought into issue upon a trial or hearing of
any civil cause of action or proceeding in any court, and the city is
not a party to such action or proceeding, notice shall be served upon
the city in accordance with section one thousand twelve of the civil
practice law and rules.
Structure New York Laws
Article 2-A - Powers of Cities
20 - Grant of Specific Powers.
20-A - Purchasing Department or Agency.
20-B - Cities Authorized to Impose Taxes on Utilities.
20-C - Temporary Investment of Certain City Funds in Obligations of the United States.
20-E - State Office Buildings and Other Public Improvements in Certain Cities.
20-F - Transfer of Development Rights; Definitions; Conditions; Procedures.
20-G - Intermunicipal Cooperation in Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Regulation.
21 - Public or Municipal Purpose and General Welfare Defined.
21-B - Debt Service in Relation to Certain Municipal Cooperative Activities.
21-C - Passenger Stations of Railroad Redevelopment Corporations in Certain Cities.
21-D - Establishment of Blood Credit Systems by Cities.
21-E - Operating Assistance for Water-Works Corporations in Certain Cities.
21-F - Operating Assistance for Certain Public Utility Services.
22 - This Grant in Addition to Existing Powers.