New York Laws
Title 21 - River Regulation by Storage Reservoirs
15-2139 - Hudson River Regulating District and Black River Regulating District: Transfer of Functions; Pending Actions and Proceedings; Interpretation of Docume

District: transfer of functions; pending actions and

proceedings; interpretation of documents; existing rights

and remedies.

1. Except as hereinafter provided, the contracts, books, maps, plans,
papers, records and property of whatever description within the
jurisdiction or under the control of the Hudson River Regulating
District or the Black River Regulating District, including moneys
appropriated and available to such districts, pertaining to or used in
connection with the exercise or performance of the functions, powers and
duties hereby transferred and assigned, shall be delivered to the
secretary of the board of the Hudson River-Black River Regulating
District, who is hereby authorized to take possession thereof.

2. For the purposes of succession, the functions, powers and duties
transferred, assigned to, and devolving upon the Hudson River-Black
River Regulating District shall be deemed to constitute a continuation
of such functions, powers and duties exercised by the Hudson River
Regulating District and the Black River Regulating District, and the
acts, orders, rules, regulations and determinations of such districts
shall have, and continue with, the same force and effect as though done
by or made by the Hudson River-Black River Regulating District.

3. Any business or matter heretofore undertaken or commenced by or
before the Hudson River Regulating District or the Black River
Regulating District, or any action or proceeding heretofore brought by
or against such districts, pertaining to or connected with the
functions, powers and duties hereby transferred and assigned to the
Hudson River-Black River Regulating District may be conducted,
completed, prosecuted and defended by and in the name of the Hudson
River-Black River Regulating District. In all such actions and
proceedings the Hudson River-Black River Regulating District, upon
application to the court, may be substituted as a party.

4. When the Hudson River Regulating District or the Black River
Regulating District is referred to or designated in any law, contract or
document, such reference or designation shall be deemed to refer to and
include the Hudson River-Black River Regulating District so far as such
law, contract or document pertains to matters which are within its
jurisdiction by reason of such transfer and assignment of functions,
powers and duties.

5. No existing right or remedy of any character shall be lost, or
affected by reason of the provisions of sections 15-2137, 15-2139 and