New York Laws
Title 21 - River Regulation by Storage Reservoirs
15-2103 - Creation of River Regulating Districts.

(1) The proposed name of the district, as the ............... River
Regulating District.
(2) The necessity for the organization of such district, the purposes
to be accomplished thereby and the benefits to inure from the exercise
of its powers.
(3) A general description of the territory included in the proposed
district. Such description need not be given by metes and bounds, or by
political subdivisions, but it shall be sufficient to state that the
territory to be included in the proposed district constitutes the
watershed of the particular river in reference to which the petition is
filed stating generally the extent of such watershed. In the event that
the district sought to be organized does not include the whole watershed
of the particular river, but only the watershed of a tributary of the
river, then, the petition should generally set forth the extent of such
watershed, the reason why the watershed of the tributary should be
organized as a separate river regulating district, and the relation of
the regulation of the flow of such tributary to and effect upon the flow
of the river to which it is tributary.
(4) The extent of the regulation possible through the construction and
operation of reservoirs.
(5) Whether state or private lands, or both, will be required, and in
general the extent thereof, and all such facts as would show or tend to
show the public necessity for the regulation of the flow of the river.
3. Hearings shall be held as follows:
a. Immediately upon the receipt of such petition, the department shall
cause notice by publication pursuant to subdivision one of section
15-1903 to be given of the pendency of the petition, and of the time and
place of a hearing thereon, and may appoint times and places for further
hearings if deemed by it to be desirable.

b. Hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the procedure set
forth in section 15-1903 of this article. If after such a hearing or
hearings, it should appear that the purposes of title 21 of this article
would be best served by the creation of the river regulating district
sought in the petition, the department shall thereupon so decide and
declare. It shall then prepare and file a map of such district with a
certificate of its determination creating such district and showing the
name, extent and purpose of the district, with the Secretary of State
and the county clerk of each county wholly or partly within the
district, and notice of such decision shall be given in the manner set
forth in section 15-0903.
4. Review is available according to the following provisions:
a. The decision of the department may be reviewed in accordance with
the provisions of section 15-0905. Upon failure so to review within the
time prescribed or if the action of the department is sustained or
modified on such review, the district shall thereupon become a river
regulating district of the State of New York and a public corporation
with all the rights and powers granted by title 21 of this article. No
such review shall be had excepting at the instance of the Attorney
General of the state unless prior to the application for the review the
party making application shall file a bond or undertaking in a sum to be
fixed by the Supreme Court or a justice thereof with good and sufficient
sureties to be approved by the court or a justice thereof agreeing to
pay all costs and expenses caused by such review as determined by the
court in the proceeding in the event of failure to set aside or modify
the determination and order of the department creating such district.
b. After such a river regulating district shall have been created as a
public corporation hereunder, the certificate creating the same shall be
final and binding upon all the public corporations and real estate
within the district, and shall finally and conclusively establish the
regular creation and organization of such district.
c. The organization of the district shall not be directly or
collaterally questioned in any suit, action or proceeding except as
herein expressly provided.
5. Copies of the certificate certified by the department shall be
recorded in the office of the Secretary of the State and in the office
of the county clerk of each county partly or wholly within the district
and in the event of a review any order or judgment of the court
thereupon shall be likewise recorded. The county clerks and the
Secretary of the State shall receive for filing and recording such
copies and all papers to be filed and recorded by them under the
provisions of title 21 of this article. They shall also receive such
fees as are, or hereafter may be, provided by law for like services in
similar cases and all above mentioned fees shall be a part of the
preliminary expenses.