New York Laws
Article 15 - Village Elections
15-122 - Absentee Voting at Village Elections for Persons Unable to Appear Because of Illness or Physical Disability.

ยง 15-122. Absentee voting at village elections for persons unable to
appear because of illness or physical disability. 1. A qualified
elector of a village, who, on the occurrence of any general or special
village election, may be within the county of his residence but unable
to appear personally at the polling place in the village of his
residence because of illness, physical disability or confinement either
at home or in a hospital or institution, other than a mental institution
may vote as an absentee voter under this section.

2. Any elector of a village to whom this section may apply shall make
application to the village clerk for an absentee ballot. Such
application shall set forth the name and village address of the
applicant, that he is a qualified voter of the village or election
district if any, and that he was advised by his physician, medical
superintendent, administrative head of hospital or institution, or
Christian Science Practitioner that he will be unable to appear
personally at the polling place within the village because of the
reasons set forth in subdivision one. Such statement shall be accepted
for all purposes as the equivalent of an affidavit, and if false shall
subject the applicant to the same penalties as if he had been duly
sworn. Such provision shall be printed in bold type directly above the
signature line of the application.

3. Such statement, if made by an elector who resides in a village in
which personal registration is required shall state that the applicant
has registered, giving the date of such registration and his election
district if any. If made by an elector who resides in a village in which
personal registration is not required, it shall state that he has
nevertheless registered; or that he has registered for the last
preceding general election; or that he has voted in either or both of
the two preceding general elections.

4. Any elector who is duly registered and who is permanently disabled
may make application to the village clerk for a form which such clerk
shall supply for the purpose of providing for the mailing of absentee
ballots to permanently disabled voters. Such form shall contain an
affidavit to be executed by the elector showing the particulars of his
disability. Upon the filing of such application the inspectors of
election shall investigate the facts stated therein and if satisfied as
to the truth thereof may approve such application and in such event
shall cause the registration record of the voter, if any, to be marked
"PERMANENTLY DISABLED". The inspectors shall also cause to be marked
"PERMANENTLY DISABLED", the registration poll records of those voters
who are indicated as permanently disabled on the list of registered
voters received from the board of elections. Thereafter, the village
clerk shall send an absentee voter's ballot for each election to such
elector by first class mail to his last known address with a request to
the postal authorities not to forward such ballot but to return it in
five days in the event that it cannot be delivered to the addressee. The
mailing of such ballot or ballots for each election shall continue as
long as the elector remains a qualified voter of the village and unless
it appears that such person has failed to return such ballot for the
last two successive general village elections. Upon the mailing of such
ballot or ballots, the village clerk shall cause the fact and the date
of such mailing to be recorded next to the name of the voter in the
register of the village or appropriate election district. If the
inspectors of election shall determine that such elector is not entitled
to an absentee voter's ballot, or if they shall determine that such
elector is no longer entitled to receive such ballot without application
they shall notify such elector in writing giving him the reason for such
rejection or decision.

5. If a person entitled to an absentee ballot under this section is
unable to sign his application because of illness or physical disability
he shall be excused from signing upon making a statement, which shall be
witnessed by one person, in substantially the following form: "I hereby
state that I am unable to sign any application for an absentee ballot
without assistance because I am unable to write by reason of my illness
or physical disability. I have made, or have received assistance in
making, my mark in lieu of my signature".

................ ......................
(Date) (Signature of Witness)

Such statement shall be included in the application blank form
furnished by the village clerk.

6. Printed forms containing the application for the absentee ballot,
in accordance with the requirements of this section, shall be in the
form prescribed by the state board of elections and shall be provided by
the village clerk and shall be available at the office of the clerk.
Application forms for absentee ballots for use pursuant to this section
shall be furnished by the village clerk upon request of the person
authorized to vote under this section or by any such person's spouse,
parent, child, authorized agent or any nurse charged with the care of
such person.