(a) The dates prior to registration day on which the inspectors of
election shall meet to commence the preparation of the register.
(b) The place in each district where such meetings, registration and
election shall be held.
(c) The hours for such meetings, registration and election; but in no
event shall the hours for registration be less than the hours from noon
until five o'clock in the afternoon.
5. Registration day shall be held on the tenth day prior to the
general village election except in those villages which provide, by
resolution adopted at least thirty-seven days prior to the date of the
first election for which it shall be effective, for an additional day of
registration to be held on the twelfth day prior to the general village
election. Such resolution shall remain in effect for subsequent general
village elections unless amended, modified or repealed.
6. The board of trustees of any village, by resolution or ordinance,
subject to permissive referendum, may determine that personal
registration shall be required for village elections.
7. (a) The register for the general village election shall be prepared
in each village election district by the inspectors of election thereof
at the times and place designated by the resolution of the board of
trustees. Such register must be completed not later than the fourth day
before the village election. In preparing such register the inspectors
of election shall comply with the following procedure.
(b) In all villages wherein personal registration is not required,
they shall adopt, use or copy from, the registration lists certified and
supplied by the county board of elections the names appearing thereon of
all persons, residing in the village and qualified to vote at such
forthcoming general village election. In addition, if there is a
village registration day in the village, they shall add thereto the
names of all persons known to them who then are or who will at the time
of such election be qualified to vote and the names of all persons
proven to their satisfaction on the registration day to be then, or at
the time of such election, qualified to vote.
(c) In villages wherein personal registration is required, they shall
follow the same procedure set forth in paragraph (b) above, except that
no names shall be added to the register other than the names of persons
personally appearing before them on the registration day, if any, and
proving to their satisfaction to be then, or at the time of the
election, qualified to vote.
(d) The register for each village election district shall include, as
a minimum, space for the name of the voter, his address within the
village and a space for his or her signature to be signed by the voter
on election day. In villages wherein personal registration is required,
such register shall also contain a space for the signature of the voter
to be signed by such voter on registration day. The village clerk shall
furnish a printed certificate to be signed by a voter who appears
personally before the inspectors of election on registration day. Such
certificate shall contain a statement that the person possesses all the
necessary qualifications for voting in village elections. Such
certificate shall be accepted for all purposes as the equivalent of an
affidavit and if it contains a material false statement, shall subject
the person signing it to the same penalties as if he had been duly
sworn, and such provision shall be printed in bold type directly above
the signature line of the certificate.
8. The village clerk shall furnish the inspectors of election, at
village expense, with all necessary registration books, papers,
equipment and supplies. The village clerk shall also deliver to the
inspectors a list of all persons who have applied for absentee ballots
for the election for which the registration meeting is being held.
9. Registration for special village elections for officers shall be
held in the same manner as is provided herein for general village
elections and the registration day therefor shall be the same as if said
special village election were a general village election.
10. The board of trustees of any village, if it determines that more
than one-half of the voters qualified to vote at a forthcoming village
election for village officers were personally registered at the last
preceding general election other than a village election for officers
and that taking the registration for such forthcoming election will be
accomplished more efficiently and economically thereby, may, in the
resolution required by subdivision seven of this section, provide that
for such election a single place and a single board of elections shall
be used for taking the registration of two or more village election
districts. If such action is taken the board of trustees shall, in the
same resolution, appoint a single board of inspectors of election to
conduct such registration for each such two or more village election
Structure New York Laws
Article 15 - Village Elections
15-100 - Application of Article.
15-104 - General Village Election.
15-106 - Special Village Elections for Officers.
15-108 - Designation and Nomination of Candidates.
15-112 - Registers and Poll-Books; How Used.
15-114 - Number of Voting Machines.
15-116 - Inspectors of Election.
15-118 - Registration of Voters.
15-120 - Absentee Voting at Village Elections.
15-124 - Duties of Village Clerk.
15-128 - Notice to Person Chosen to a Village Office.
15-130 - Election of Trustees by Wards.
15-132 - Votes Upon Propositions to Be by Ballot or Voting Machine.
15-134 - Failure to Designate Terms.
15-136 - Refusal of Officer to Surrender His Office.
15-138 - Judicial Review of Matters Relating to Village Elections.