New York Laws
Article 24 - New York State Rural Education Program Act
1204 - New York State Center for Rural Schools Established.

(a) Promote awareness of special educational needs and conditions in
rural areas;
(b) Promote assessment and analysis of such factors and variables
impacting the quality of rural education as:
(i) Existing statutory and regulatory measures;
(ii) Current levels of federal, state and local support, in relation
to the financial capacity of school districts to maintain required
educational services;
(iii) Academic and occupational-training opportunities and program
offerings, including those which may serve the physically challenged;
(iv) Access to state of the art technology in instruction, including
telecommunications equipment and microcomputers;
(v) Academic and occupational training performance testing and
(vi) Staffing, including salary levels, recruitment and retention
incentives, and advanced training prospects;
(vii) Career guidance, counseling and placement services;
(viii) Capacity of school districts to engage in strategic and
long-range planning;
(ix) Physical condition of existing facilities, inventories and
(x) Transportation, including services rendered pursuant to chapter
five hundred ninety-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-nine;
chapter eight hundred ninety-five of the laws of nineteen hundred
eighty-six as amended;
(xi) Geographic sparsity and isolation, particularly in terms of
travel distances for pupils and access to community resources;
(xii) Availability and integration of community support services; and
(xiii) Alternatives to reorganization for necessarily small school
(c) Maintain an informational repository/clearinghouse of data and
research results including innovative and cost-effective approaches in
rural education, and disseminate research findings, information,
materials and best practices;
(d) Encourage cost-effective, integrated services that address special
needs and conditions in rural areas through joint efforts among private
and public institutions and agencies, including but not limited to
colleges, community action agencies, social services agencies, health
agencies, employment and training agencies;
(e) Promote training and technical assistance for rural school
district officials and employees in the use of cost-effective
instructional and administrative practices;
(f) Foster demonstration projects and development of alternative
models to enhance the delivery of academic and occupational-training
services and programs specific to rural areas;
(g) Identify opportunities to advance equity in access and quality of
educational and job skills training for residents of rural areas,
including such special target or "at risk" populations as:
(1) illiterate adults,
(2) single mothers,
(3) individuals in poverty,
(4) substance abusers, and
(5) youthful offenders;
(h) Have the authority to accept and receive any grants, awards or
other funds or appropriations as may be made available to the center and
committee to effect the purposes of this article.