New York Laws
Article 12 - Receivership
1203 - Temporary and Permanent Receiver.

(a) At any stage before final judgment or final order in an action or
special proceeding brought under this article, the court may appoint one
or more receivers of the property of the corporation or of the property
in this state of a foreign corporation against which an action has been
brought under subparagraph (a) (4) of section 1202 (Appointment of
receiver of property of a domestic or foreign corporation). Notice of an
application for the appointment of a receiver shall be given to the
attorney-general and to such other persons and in such manner as the
court directs. The determination by the court of the necessity or
advisability of appointing a receiver or an attorney for a receiver, and
the allowance of expenses, commissions or compensation to the receiver
or his attorney, shall be subject to review on appeal. This provision
shall not affect any other right to review on appeal.
(b) A receiver appointed by or under a final judgment or order in an
action or special proceeding, or a temporary receiver who is continued
by the final judgment or order, is a permanent receiver. The court may
confer upon a temporary receiver the powers, and subject him to the
duties of a permanent receiver, or so much thereof as it deems proper.