Where final judgment for a sum of money has been rendered against a
corporation, and an execution issued thereupon to the sheriff of the
county where the corporation does its general business, or where its
office is located, has been returned wholly or partly unsatisfied, the
judgment creditor may maintain an action to procure a judgment
sequestrating the property of the corporation and providing for a
distribution thereof.
Structure New York Laws
1201 - Action by Judgment Creditor for Sequestration.
1202 - Appointment of Receiver of Property of a Domestic or Foreign Corporation.
1203 - Temporary and Permanent Receiver.
1205 - Designation of Depositories by Court.
1206 - Powers of Permanent Receiver.
1207 - Duties of Receiver Upon Appointment.
1208 - Penalty for Concealing Property From Receiver.
1210 - Order of Payment by Receiver.
1211 - Final Distribution by Receiver.
1212 - Disposition of Moneys Retained; Surplus; Unclaimed Distributions.
1213 - Omission or Default of Receiver.
1214 - Application by Attorney-General for Removal of Receiver and to Close Receivership.
1215 - Resignation by Receiver; Filling Any Vacancy.
1216 - Final Accounting; Notice; Duty of Attorney-General.
1218 - Special Provisions Relating to Actions or Special Proceedings Against Foreign Corporations.