New York Laws
Part 2 - County Commission for Special Education in Westchester County
1111 - Powers and Duties of County Commission for Special Education.

ยง 1111. Powers and duties of county commission for special education.
The county commission for special education shall have power:

1. To make or cause to be made a survey to determine the special
educational needs of the district.

2. To establish schools or classes for physically handicapped children
and to provide other necessary educational services, including
transportation and home teaching.

3. To establish and maintain vocational schools and classes for the
purpose of providing instruction in agricultural, industrial,
commercial, technical and home making subjects.

4. To provide vocational and educational guidance service.

5. To establish such other special educational services as may meet
the approval of the commissioner of education.

6. To employ a director of special education, who shall be the
executive officer and secretary of the commission, and upon the
recommendation of such director to employ directors, supervisors and
teachers and all other persons necessary to carry on such special
education projects as it may establish, and to determine the salaries to
be paid.

7. To purchase, lease, rent, improve or sell land, and build, repair,
improve, lease, rent, buy and sell buildings.

8. To acquire real property by condemnation for the purposes of such
special education district. Such condemnation proceedings shall be
instituted and conducted by such commission in the name of the district,
under the provisions of the statutes relating to the condemnation of
real property.

9. To purchase all necessary furniture, implements, books, materials,
equipment and supplies.

10. To make contracts with cities, villages, school districts or other
agencies for carrying out the purposes of part two of this article.

11. To appoint advisory committees.

12. To make and establish, and from time to time alter and amend,
rules and regulations for the transaction of its business and for the
administration of the work under its charge.

13. It shall be the duty of the commission to make an itemized
estimate of the money needed for the ensuing year for the purposes of
part two of this article and file the same with the clerk of the board
of supervisors or other governing elective body at least sixty days
before the annual meeting of such board.

14. It shall be the duty of the commission to make an annual report in
writing to the regents of The University of the State of New York and to
the board of supervisors or other governing elective body on or before
the first day of October in each year. It shall also be its duty to make
such other reports as may be required by the commissioner of education
and by such board or body.

15. It shall have such other powers and shall perform such other
duties as may be necessary to carry into effect the purposes of part two
of this article.

16. It shall not incur liabilities against county funds in excess of
the amounts appropriated by the board of supervisors or other governing
elective body.