New York Laws
Part 2 - County Commission for Special Education in Westchester County
1110 - Establishment of a Special Education District.

ยง 1110. Establishment of a special education district.

1. The board of supervisors or other governing elective body of
Westchester county shall have power to adopt a resolution by a majority
vote of the members of such board to establish within the county a
special education district which shall include all the territory within
the county. A city school district in such county having a population of
fifty thousand or more inhabitants shall be excluded from such special
education district provided the board of education of such city shall
adopt a resolution requesting that such city school district be so
excluded and file such resolution with the board of supervisors or other
governing elective body within sixty days after the establishment of
such special education district. With the approval of the county
commission for special education to be appointed as hereinafter
provided, a city school district so excluded may later become a part of
such special education district upon the written application by the
board of education of such city school district.

2. Upon the establishment of such special education district the board
of supervisors or other governing elective body shall appoint a board
which shall be known as the county commission for special education.
Such commission shall consist of five members who shall serve for a
period of five years each, except that members first appointed shall be
appointed for such terms that the term of one member will expire each
year, and their successors shall thereafter each be appointed for a full
term of five years, respectively. Vacancies occurring in such office
shall be filled by the board of supervisors or other governing elective
body for the unexpired term.

3. Members of such commission shall serve without compensation except
their actual and necessary travelling expenses incurred in the
performance of their official duties.